University of Notre Dame Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Notre Dame know before they start?


“Make every job a desirable one,” is the lesson that I’d intone to a younger self. When I first arrived on campus, I took one of the few jobs readily available: early morning shifts at Subway, chopping vegetables and prepping meats. Despite the lackluster appearance, I soon discovered perks to the work: not just finishing my shifts before class, but chatting, laughing, and bonding with full-time employees whom most students barely see in passing. By focusing on the desirable aspects of this job, I maintained a cheerful outlook that, combined with reliability and dedication, made the appreciation reciprocal among manager and staff. When the opportunity for better employment presented itself, I moved on from Subway. But recently, as current coworkers boasted about sitting around, skipping shifts, and still having “the best job on campus,“ I found myself biting my tongue and do the work of two employees during peak times. Despite the stress on my already full course-load, enthusiastic feedback from my employer reminded me of why I do it: to be not just an employee, but a desirable one. A desirable job isn’t just found: it's what you make of it.

Notre This site is a hilarious blog about the quirks and stereotypes of Notre Dame students. As a student, I can tell you - it's spot on. If you have been accepted and want to know if you will fit in, check out this site. If two or three of the blogs seem like you - welcome to the family! You can learn funny and interesting insider stuff that the typical freshman won't know...unless they're a legacy. So they will all probably know.


One thing I know about college is that there is more work that needs to be done in less time. If I could be a high school senior again I would tell myself to work harder and challenge myself more academically. Although, I challenged myself much through high school, I was very burnt out by my senior year. I still challenged myself, but not as rigorously. In college I feel like I just kept going and going. It was very intense and I was not ready for the intensity. College is fun, but you have to put in time to work in order to keep having fun.

Katie Rose



As for my choice of college, I'd tell myself to stick with my gut-- that's basically how I chose Notre Dame. It was a hard decision; it was the last campus I visited, and I had great offers from other schools, but something about it just felt right. I took a chance and followed my instincts, and it ended up being the best thing for me. In terms of paying for college, I would tell myself to spend more time looking and applying for scholarships. I have an academic and athletic record that most definitely would have earned me much more money to go to school, but I didn't look for any outside scholarships. That was a mistake; I want to go back to graduate school now, but I'm faced with debt from my undergraduate education, and it's the one thing making my second-guess this decision. Every little bit helps, and if I had looked for more, I am confident that I would have won more scholarships.


My college experience has been very fun and exciting. From the football games to the amazing teachers, there is always something to look forward to every day. I can soundly say that I love Notre Dame. The students have been friendly and the campus has become to feel like home every day. The campus is perfect for helping students learn about their majors and the teachers help steer you in the right direction. I cannot wait to make an impact on other people's lives after I graduate, but when I do I know that I will miss Notre Dame and it will forever be in my heart.


The college experience has been a learning one. I learned not everything is as easy as it seems. You have to put in the time to get the results you want, if you want an A or B you have to study. It is also great at settings you up for the work place , even if you don't like someone sometimes you have to work with them to get the job done. Although it has not been easy I'm glad for the experience, the things I have learned, and the people I have met.


Although my college experience is just beginning, it is beginning to influence me already. For example, I've become way more independent, although I still have a long way to go. I've learned how to study, and how to learn, especially at a higher level. I have a different understanding of the world than I did before, and I'm ready to continue soaking it all up.


Through my college experiences I have learned how to be more outgoing and independent. I should explain that I was homeschooled from the fourth grade through high school. Prior to my enrollment in college, I would have described myself as very introverted and timid, especially around those that I did not know. However, after two years at a community college and now my transfer to a four year university I feel as though I am more at ease on campus, and in my community. It is valuable to attend college because of the transformations one can undergo throughout their college experiences. Also, college prepares students for their communites and provides them with the opportunity to become responsible adults. Because, in college, no one will call your mom to see why you did not come to class, instead students are expected to be adults and simply show up on time.


I have gotten so much more than I could have ever expected out of my college experience thus far. I have not only recieved one of the best possible college educations that is available in the world, but I have also met some of the most phenomenal people whose relationships will be invaluable to me throughout my life. The staff is incredibly knowledgable, and truly cares about their students. My fellow peers are some of the smartest, highly motivated, and most well rounded people I have ever encountered. Furthermore, one is able to find themselves in a way that most people never think possible. Notre Dame provides a safe, nuturing, family-like environment to not only every student at the University, but also to their families, alumnus, and visitors of the school as well. Although there are many schools that are equally academically and athletically impressive, it is the overall package that Notre Dame has to offer academically, socially, athletically, and religiously that results in the most unique and ideal experience that is unsurpassable by any other College of University.