University of North Dakota Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I would've known how much paperwork was involved with going to college.


That i would like it so much and would of come to this school in the first place.


How beautiful the campus looks during the winter.


I wish I would have gotten more information on my career choice before. Maybe met up with my advisor more the first year and talk about my classes more.


I wish high school would have prepared me better and i wish that the university would set up more social events for college kids when they get up here because it is hard to meet new people.


I wish I would known how much time to put into my studies in order to get the grades I wanted. I got a couple B's first semester of my freshman and the rest A's because I did not realize how much I was supposed to study to get A's. I learned that lesson quickly and spent more time at the library the next semester and got all A's.


How to successful study for classes where teachers don't give you notes or anything to study off of.


Where everything was located and all of the programs offered.


It is very cold here


I wish I had known more about some of the added on fees that came with being an Air Traffic Control major. I didn't realize that the labs that the University has and uses for ATC training cost so much, but then again I feel that it is worth every penny due to the fact that the education I am getting here is, in my mind, the best education.