University of North Carolina at Greensboro Top Questions

What kind of person should not attend University of North Carolina at Greensboro?


An aspiring accountant.


The kind of person who doesnt like a big environment or who doesnt like to be around too many people. There are lots of things to do around campus and if you are a quiet person and dont like to be bothered you shouldnt attend.


Someone who is open for change and diversity.


Independant workers. Adults and students wanting to be better communicators.


A person that enjoys extracurricular activities and athletic events.


Someone who is not open minded should not attend this school. It is quite liberal.


THis school is not for status-seekers. It's not for people who are jerks...but who wants jerks anywhere? It's not for closed minded people, homophobics, or those people who cough loudly and pointedly when a cigarette is smoked within ten feet of them. The people we want here are friendly, open, quirky, artful people with passions and dreams.


Some who likes good food, who befriends people that care about eachother and the world, who wants to be part of a social group, or who thinks drinking isn't the only way to have fun.


Someone who is not optomistic, doesn't like diversity, A person that is not going to put in the work to attend the school with no remorse of flunking out.


If you have no aspirations or goals than you should not come to UNC-Greensboro this school is full of people with great idea and knowledge that far exceeds some of the more influential people of this world and if you are not willing to take on that responsbility than if was not meant for you to attend or be a Spartan. U N C Gggggg