University of North Carolina at Greensboro Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of North Carolina at Greensboro?


I usually talk about the location. My college is located in a good-sized city and it's not too far away from where I'm originally from.


You get a solid education without doing 3 hours worth of homework every night. People are great, and the price is right.


Good teachers who are passionate about their subjects. UNCG has a nice campus that's attractive and is just the right size for me.


I always tell them how beautiful the campus is especially during the spring time.


The University of North Carolina is really diverse in its "races" and classes offered. I have really enjoyed taking some of the unique classes such as "Racial Literacy" and "Poetry." Also, UNC-G is "going green" by putting plastic bottle bags in each dorm room and recycle bins across campus, they turned off their fountain during the drought, and have electronic recycling bins at the end of each school year. The school is in the middle of Greensboro so driving to get groceries or to pick up last minute project needs is not a worry.