University of North Carolina at Greensboro Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about University of North Carolina at Greensboro!


It's great. Don't hate.


My school is unique because we have alot of diversity on our campus. We are on arts school by nature so there are many different facets of people among us which leads to a more interesting student population. We also have diversity not only in majors but in demographics. Our school is active with more then 49 states and 70 countries in attendance. Our student population is around 17,500 to make up a well rounded campus. We are a big school with small classes averaging 27 students per class so learning is at it's prime.


UNCG is a very eco aware school, diverse communtiy, and holds events that can relate to any one who is attending UNCG. The dorm life is friendly the resident hall leaders are so helpful, given student information of events that are coming up. Also, I live in the international house, this experience has provided me a culture enrichment occurrence that I use towards my career of becoming a middle school teacher. This school really tries to help students to stay on their educational track, with having numerous services with trained professional to help you with any subject or assignment.


The University of North Carolina at Greensboro has a very comfortable and friendly environment that encourages education and fun. The advising is amazing, they really make sure that you are enrolled in the classes that you should be and that you are not taking on too much. The staff sincerely cares about your well-being here at UNCG.


UNCG has a unique and exciting culture. One walk around the campus, and I could see how diverse the student population was, and I was hooked. Another thing that I have discovered about UNCG is that the students and faculty are friends and helpful. I don't feel uncomfortable walking on the campus during the day or at night. UNCG definitely feels like home.


UNCG is very diverse, and has a girl-boy ratio of about 1.5:1. It's a well maintained and landscaped campus, with modern architecture and wide green spaces as well as cultivated gardens and pools. The size can make it impersonal, and if you're not in a clique it can be difficult to find social venues. Living on campus definitely helps.


The University of North Carolina is a very unique school and has a very unique campus. I find it very unique that UNCG does not have a foot ball team, there are other sports that are funded very well. Though instead of spending tons of money on a foot ball team, UNCG supports the arts. We have an amazing theatre program and arts department. This is unique because most schools do not fund the arts programs as much as UNCG.


I have heard that UNG has a great nursing program compared to any other colleges or universities. I an currently enrolled at guilford technical college in greensboro north carloina, and they require so much for you to be apart of their nursing program.


At UNCG, the campus is smaller than most universities and there's so many cultures to interact with. Making friends is easy considering most people are friendly and are willing to communicate with you. The professors are also easy to work with and are very understanding.


UNC Greensboro is different than any other school along the east coast because it is inspiring and diverse. Thanks to many leaders, it also has an excellent community for religions. Prior to coming to Greensboro, I had interest in relgion, but thanks to the many great people I have met at school I have been able to grown in my faith and attend multiple conferences that support my choices. It is evident from Paradox 2009, a conference in Washington D.C., that no other school along the east coast has a support system as large and successful.