University of New Mexico-Main Campus Top Questions

Describe the students at University of New Mexico-Main Campus.


I don't hang out with most of my classmates outside of class if I didn't know them beforehand, but people are generally friendly if you ask them for help in class.


They are friendly, jocular people and a joy to be around!


There is a huge diversity of people that are interested in getting more knowledge so they can better their careers.


Classmates are diverse and include young and old, parents, liberals, conservatives, straights, gays, and everything in between.


My classmates are willing to become friends and study partners.


A small community with common intrests that works together.


My classmates consists of a very smart, diverse group of people who all seem to be friendly to one another despite the many differences they may have.


Depends on the class, but for the most part they are all driven for their own reasons.


My classmates are a group of diverse individuals, largely from New Mexico, who chose UNM for a variety of reasons that tend to be deeply personal and unrelated to how they fit into a group of stereotypes.


I have found my classmates very friendly, cooperative in group projects, and helpful.