People shouldn't attend if they dont like Husker Football. Its a big thing here.
The university of Nebraska Lincoln is a great school for many students. This university is excellent in undergraduate education and also helps with undecided majors. Although The University of Nebraska Lincoln is a leader in Higher education, students who would like a more one on one type of relationship with the instructor may not like to attend this school because each class includes about twenty six to thirty students. Also, the UNL campus is stretched out and large. The class population is also mid-size. Students wanting a smaller class size or campus should not attend this school.
people who don't enjoy walking
A person that is looking for a big party all of the time. This is a tight knit community of students within each academic area and while the night life does exist it exists off campus. The college is small in comparison to some and Lincoln is a small city. If you are not focused and driven to succeed you may want to go elsewhere. If you are not prepared to spend five years to graduate go elsewhere.
I believe that someone from a large city may not enjoy this school. InLincoln there are not as many nightlife options as there are in other major cities in the United States. The nightly pass-time at UNL is mostly drinking at a bar or drinking at someone's house. Most of the students at UNL seem to have subscribed to that mindset. So if someone from a bigger, more diverse city is used to having more nightlife options, UNL may not be the place for him/her.
One downside to UNL is the size of the majority of the classes. That is the biggest thing for students, especially ones from smaller towns, have trouble adjusting to. Some of the lectures are filled with anywhere from 200-300 students and that could be overwhelming and could make the transition to college tough.
The people who should not attend a university like Lincoln are people who are unable to handle the mass amounts of diversity and differing opinions that would surround them. People here come from all different walks of life and different towns, states, and countries. People who cannot be open minded to new ideas, ways of thinking, and cultural differences should not attend UNL. This school teaches how to be accepting of diversity, but if one cannot try to see ideas from a new perspective then they will accomplish nothing and struggle on this campus.
Those who do not understand that to get a good grade requires attendence and hard work.
This is a place where any kind of person can come if want to get an education. There is no certain type of person who shouldn't attend unless they simply are not serious about their education and are going to waste the money they put into their tuition.
Kids who didnt get very high gpa's in high school becasue proffesors will eat you alive.