University of Nebraska-Lincoln Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Nebraska-Lincoln? Why?


My school is not racially diverse. I believe a more racially diverse campus would promote greater diversity in thinking and beliefs. My school is mostly Caucasion and I know that that discourages some minority students because they do not want to go to a school where they feel underrepresented. College is the first time where most students really experience independence and I feel like their first experience of the world outside their parent's nest should be representative of how diverse the world really is. An open mind to culture I believe helps to promote an open mind in general.


There is really nothing bad about UNL itself. What you would have to worry about would be some of the more immature students, if anything.


We have many cliques and our school is run by Greeks. Even though I am a Greek, I wish the independents would have a larger role in the social and community aspect of UNL.


The worst thing asbout myself is my struggle for focus. I get disrtacted very easily and if I'm not fully involved in what I'm doing, I will be distracted and even not go back to the important task at hand.


There are many hoops to jump through for many things. Switching your major, finding the right classes for you to take, paying your bills and sending your transscripts are just a few things that I have encountered that are very annoying. Aside from that and it being 4 degrees outside I can not think of anything else. The size doesn't bother me at all, I love meeting new people.


The fact that the dining hall for my dorm building is being renovated has to be the worst thing. It is a big inconvenience to have to travel to the other dining halls especially in these bitter cold December months.


Not enough parking for students.


They do not offer an International Studies major with a regional focus in the Middle East like I would want.


Parking is terrible. Not enough meteres and way too much for a parking pass on campus


The worst thing about my school would probably be all the walking you do. There are a couple large lecture classes, that sometimes are difficult with over 250 students, but for the most part it's doable.