I feel that there is a good mix of ethnicity on the campus. I feel that everyone interacts with each other and most people fit in.
Campus is so relaxed and there are so many groups to choose from you really get to feel like yourself. I can't think of any type of club or organization Mizzou doesn't have. Theres club sports, even a rowing team, there's political groups, environmental groups and just for fun groups. Everyone is very approachable and I have never noticed anyone being pushed away for any social/economic reasons. Everyone knows what majors will make money and what won't, so its not an issue, we all just laugh that none of the J-school kids will make any money.
Our campus is open, but never open enough. The racial, religious, sexual orientation groups and others are very visible and are getting alot of great things accomplished on campus.
Minority students may feel out of place,there aren't alot of minority students on campus.
Students wear jeans and Mizzou sweatshirts. Lots of sweatpants.
Orgnizations are mainly how individuals from different social groups interact and work together.
Most Mizzou students are admittedly from Missouri.
Political affiliations are very polarized on campus.
If you do not wear MIZZOU clothing to and from class, then you will be the odd ball out! Most Mizzou students are from Texas, Chicago, Kansas City, Chicago, and St. Louis.
I find that all the groups on campus interact really well and have fun together. I am part of SPA and it is a really great group of people! Most students- and i'm stereotyping here hard core- wear North face fleece, Uug boots (ugggg!) and a not pink PINK brand of sweat pants. I think it is so ugly! Get some fashion sense and don't follow the crowd- they are wrong!
I think that Mizzou has many different groups to get involved in. While I do not have that much time to get that involved in many of them, I am glad that they are offered and I wish I had more time to get involved.
I really havent had many experiences with these groups on campus.
I dont think that any student would feel out of place at mizzou. This college seems very diverse and welcoming to every ethnicity, race and gender. Everyone should feel at home upon coming to mizzou.
Most students usually wear semi formal clothes to class. I go out of my way to look presentable in case I meet a hot girl or something like that. I never go to class without showering and I think that can be said for a lot of students, however I have seen my fair share of grossness in the classroom. I've seen people with shirts stained with beer and drinks from the night before.
I'd say yes, that different types of students interact. Like they always say, opposites attract!
at the first table we see a big group of 8 sorority freshman girls all decked out in their respective sorority stuff.
at the next one we see one guy eating by himself. I see a lot of stag dining hall people every now and again.
at the 3rd table we see a table for 2 of a guy and his lady. The guy is talking about sports and the girl is freaking out about tests. This is common.
And the last table theres a table with a bunch of guys who clearly met in the dorms. They all came together and no ones really saying anything. Kinda awkward, but isnt that how all friendships start??
Most mizzou students are from either Kansas City or St Louis. No doubt.
It seems that most students are financially stable. You dont see too many rich preps or homeless people.
YES. good god. I see way too many people around campus wearing their respective presidential candidate on their shirt. I'm politically apathetic so I could care less, but to someone who has a strong opinion about someone, I'm sure they have a big problem with this.
Yea, I dont really know which way they are, but I'll just guess left.
Students dont really talk about earnings. I think most students just want to get a job so they can get some income.
-I do not have to many racial experiences, I love in a very white house. Religiously very diverse, very heterosexual, and economically middle and upper class.
-Latino students and out of state students feel out of place since it is heavy Missouri and hardly any truly Latino population.
-Most students wear sweats and relaxing clothing.
-No Mizzou is very segregated like high school in the same clique-like groups.
-One table is the greeks, one is the racial minority group, one is nerdy guys and/or girls, and another is the down to earth people who are actually mature.
-Most students are from STL and then all over the state.
-I think Mizzou is a middle to lower middle class school.
-Students are semi active politically, more left.
-Future salaries are considered and thought of for sure.
Most MU students are from Missouri, followed closely by Illinois and other bordering states. The J-School attracts the most geographically diverse group of students. The majority of the students are white and middle-class. There is also a significant portion of students from rural areas.
I used to joke that Mizzou was very diverse - we had all kinds of white people. There are rich white people and poor white people and white people from cities and white people from the country - and well, you get the picture. I'm trying to be funny, but the truth is that the school is not very diverse, and in some circles, not particularly inclusive.
There was a pretty big controversy when I was there (2000-2004) about the ratio of white to black students. There were some issues regarding equal representation in various majors, social groups and campus life.
On the positive side, there is a Women's Center, an active LGBT group as well as a Black Students' Union and a Black Culture Center on campus.
I'm not confident if there have been any significant changes in the diversity on campus since I was a student. Increasing the diversity at the school did not appear to be a priority of the administration at the time.
Listen, major state schools like Mizzou reflect the state population they serve. The diversity at the University may very well not be related to any policy or decision of the administration. I think that any minority student considering Mizzou should evaluate seriously whether or not the school is a good fit.
There is a lot of unfair stereotyping going on because of the limited background a lot of students come from. However, there are so many resources and outlets on campus and off for students to express them selves through.