My hands trembled of a combination of fear and nervousness while sealing the envelope. I had never felt anything like this before. In a sense I was writing to a stranger, someone that wasn’t me...at least not anymore.
I heard that when the younger me opened the letter she didn’t believe it at all “nothing but nonsense and foolishness” she said. But she still coninuted to read my heartfelt letter.
“You will find this hard to believe. I know because of your hardheaded ways. There has to be proof for everything. I can prove this is me because you hide a picture in your jean drawer; you still save the letters your father wrote you from prison. There are some things you need to know. You need to change your strategy. First get that boy out of your head, he is no good for you and doesn’t care. He never has its best if you save yourself the heartache. Secondly try hard in school. You are the only person that can make or break your future. Try hard and never give up.”
After reading my letter she didn’t believe, but she listened.
If I had the opportunity to go back in time and advise myself when I was a high school senior. The first thing I would tell myself would be by attending college is under your own schedule time where you will have to be able to manage time wisely in everything you will do. Starting by being on time to every class you will be enrolling to your first semester once you get use to being early and on time it feels good to be a good student. Another advice I would tell myself is to take everything very serious and try your best100 {4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} because class might get a little challenging but the right thing to do is to hang in there and you will succeed not forgetting waiting your time we should never procrastinate leaving everything to the last minute it gets harder for you. Also if there is a choice you will have to make if failing the class I recommend to try your best and do not drop the course because it will come back and affect you by having to pay back all the financial aid that they help you with that course .
Do what you have been doing and you will be fine.
Believe in your strengths and put them to work! Too often have you let circumstance decide your fate, now is the time to step over adversity and move on and up in life. Stay organized, get focused and don't let anyone (including yourself) tell you that you won't finish what you start or reach the top. The next few years will be challenging, but you're a strong woman who was raised by strong women, so don't be afraid to ask them for help. Judgement is contagious, don't damage yourself with negative thinking or insecurity. In time, you will overcome the hardships of your childhood, meet your father, and excel in school and work. Get moving!!
When I was in high school I didn't want to go to college, so I would go back and tell myself to do it. It isn't as hard as you think it will be, and that you will succeed if you put your mind to it. In some ways college isn't that much different than high school, but put forth a greater effort and the result will be high grades that you can be proud of.
If I could go back to my high school self I would tell her two things about college. The first would be to start early and keep going. I got my Associates Degree and then took several years off. I would tell her to go straight through. The other thing that I would tell her is that she needs to get working on scholarships. Look hard and look often for any scholarships that might be available. Try your best to supplement with scholarships so that you don't have to take out as much in student loans.
I would tell myself that the friends I have in High School are not going to be my friends forever. They are going to forget about me when they go to their own colleges and it's hard to accept it at first but I will be okay. I will tell myself about the sorority I joined and how amazing Greek life is. I would tell myself to study hard and attend class because each class that I skip is fifty dollars gone to waste. I would also tell my self to get lots of rest and enjoy my time in college because you only live once and sometimes you have to take a break from studying. Most importantly I would tell my self to save every dime I make because college is expensive and it's hard but I will make through whatever challanges I am faced with because I am strong and I can do anything I set my mind to.
It’s hard to think of advice to give to someone who already knows everything. Most of the advice I would give myself now had already been given to me. However, at the time I was too stubborn to listen and too proud to understand the simple truths those words carried. As a ‘mature’ teenager I knew what was best: my way. Looking back, what I was most in need of at the time was perspective. As this is something not easily taught or learned, I think the best thing I could do to help myself would be to position myself into situations that would help evoke this special wisdom. This would require some subterfuge as I’m dealing with a stubborn teenager My approach would be in the form of challenges. For example, “You think you’re so smart but I bet you can’t even pass all of your classes.” Or, “You’re so lazy I bet you can’t even have perfect attendance in one class this semester.” Small challenges that would help me to not only realize my own capabilities but would also teach me about the positive consequences of applying myself in the right ways.
Apply for scholarships and schools before actually graduating from high school and do research about a school before applying to it (don't apply just because the the school is conveniently located). Attend a community college for as many classes as you can before transferring to a university. Also, limit your academic focus to one major area and one minor area. Don't try to take courses in too many different subjects.
University of Michigan - Flint gave me the best opportunity for working more on my area of study, Physics. It is valuable not only because it is what I would like to learn, but also I have chance to meet people, socializing, and get more knowledge in general. Learning is not something that can be done in a couple days. It is a big process. Thanks for my college, I have chance to learn and do what I want to do.