University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish that I had known more of the job opportunities available.


The school does not have much activity going on at any given time of the year. There are very small activities, but it can be hardly said that it is an active college. Life becomes somewhat boring after a while.


I knew everything I needed to know when coming here.




I wish I had a better idea of how exactly to choose classes, and that I was probably better off moving onto campus.


That it's cliquey and cold, and hard to make friends


before coming to this school i wish i knew how diverese this school was not. there is more of one group of people than there is others., which can sometimes make a person out of place because when they are the only one sitting in the room, for that ethnictiy, they feel like people do not understand where they are coming from when the make their point(s).


I wish that I had knownexactly how much work college is. At first I was taken aback but I have adjusted to it it by now.


After goin to different schools between massachusetts and florida i realized thier is a much higher demand for better facilities to make the students more comfortable and have diverse things to do within the college atomsphere, and I wish i had looked at more schools then the ones i did.


I wish I had known how to balance school, extra-curricular activities, friendships and relationships before my life became so chaotic!