University of Maryland-University College Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


This school offers an array of undergraduate degrees to choose from for an online format.


Having the semesters broken down into 8 week terms and the online learning environment is the best thing about this school! I have a family and work shift-work. Going to college has been challenging, but UMUC really makes it easier for me. The ability to take courses online and have less courses to focus on during an 8 week term is essential to my success!


It's scheduling flexibility. The school makes it very easy to get into required classes within the semesters/terms needed.


I love the fact that it caters working adults like myself. Online classes and the flexiblity.


Being a Freshman at Howard University comes with challeges like any other university or college. Trying to make that long transition from high school to college is harder than I expected. Even though the work was overbaring, I can honestly say that majority of the professors care about your academic advancement aswell as your personal endeavors. Everyone is like a huge family, so when I had problems with school work I could easily find someone who was willing to tutor me.


The best thing about UMUC is that I can choose to take all of my classes on line, a few classes online, or all of my classes at an actual site. I can choose which format I want to take the class in depending on my personal preference and how I will best learn the material.


All online except the proctered finals


The school is there to educate you. They are not there to collect money. The school's academic structure is challenging, and I am proud to tell everyone one I attend the University of Maryland.


The ability to attend school any where. I can do my school work from anywhere in the world that I can hook up to the internet.


The best thing about UMUC is the flexibilty and convenience of online classes. This school is perfect for those individuals they can't or prefer not to attend traditional classes. Many of the students are working men and women with families to support. Attending online classes at UMUC is extremely helpful to these men and women that want to further their education but don't have the physical time to do so.