University of Maryland-Baltimore County Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


Finicial aid options


More scholarship information


I wish that I would have known more about the majors offered, in more detail before choosing one.


I wish I was more knowledgable about the criteria for their scholarships. I would have spent more time studying for the SAT's if I had known it was predominately based on the SAT. I also wish I knew that UMBC does not have a business school and does not place much emphasis on business related areas. Rather, the university uses most of its resourses (career center, internships) to help those in scientific research.


how dead the sociall life was here


How truly academically based everything is, literally like everything.


Wish I would have known more about extra activities on campus.


A little more about the people here


It is much different from a two year community college. The transition was difficult for me so I wish that I had known more so where to go for help.


The education dept is not as well organized and does not have the great reputation of other area schools.