UMBC is extremely laid back. There is so much diversity that it's impossible not to fit in. Most students come from Maryland, but since each county is fairly unique, there are many different socioeconomic backgrounds. If you don't know how varied Maryland is, ask someone from PG county what they think of Montgomery county, or ask someone from Anne Arundel county what they think of the eastern shore.
Most people here tend to be science majors, but you can easily find arts, humanties, math, and business type majors.
UMBC is one of the most diverese campus's in the country. There are many different races, religions, economic backgrounds and sexual orientations at UMBC. I don't feel that there would be many people that would feel out of place on campus. The student body here is very accepting ad diverse. There is no pressure to dress or act a certain way while at school. As far as differnt students interacting, I would have to say there is a rather large gap between the athletes and the non athletes. There are some people who try to bridge that gap and it is starting to close. Most studens at UMBC are from Maryland. Students at UMBC are prdominately from the upper middle- to upper classes of society, politically they are center and active and aware in politics. Students do talk about how much they'll earn one day. UMBC is a very science oriented school and therefore the jobs that students will one dy have are likely to have the bigger salaries.
UMBC is one of the MOST diverse school in America. Any race, religion, ethnicity you can think of, you will probably find here at UMBC. It is a great way to get to know other cultures and learn to understand other perspectives. Walking through the commons during free hour (MWF 12-1pm, when no one has class), you will truly realize the diversity of UMBC.
Although the stereotype of the campus being mostly Asian is not true, it does feel that way msot of the time. It is perhaps I am South Asian myself that I tend to notice it more, but either way when the biggest classes offered at the campus, bio and chem courses, are filled up mostly by Asians, heads tend to turn.
Otherwise, the campus seems pretty accepting of all races and religions. Most minorities with a sizable body have their own student orgs, which are always having events for peoplet o mingle.
Like all campuses, there are students in the left/right/center politically, and those that could care less. For those that care, many of the more outspoken ones are left-leaning. There is a relatively strong GBLTA community, and in general UMBC students are tolerant of cultural, sexual, gender, and other differences.
The student body is alright, many clicks still exist and once you make friends you usually stick with them for the next four years. Most friends eat lunch and dinner together and go to events together you rarely see different groups hanging out with each other. Also students come from ALL over the world and getting used to the diversity and some students not speaking english as well can be tough.UMBC is politically active and love talking about politics in their free time, most of the campus seems to be very liberal.
As a lesbian, UMBC is great. Its totally accepting and i have yet to have a bad experience. The others in the Freedom Alliance are very cool, and i have made a lot of friends there. I waited until college to come out , and i can safely say that it was one of my most rewarding experiences, and everyone else i know whom has done the same at UMBC, has said the same.
UMBC is a very diverse campus, and no one would feel left out. Most students are dressed casually for class-often in jeans and a tee shirt. However, some dress up sometimes. You can find anything really. Different types of students interact because it is such a diverse campus. Middle class backgrounds are most prevelant, and some students are politically aware/active, but others are not. Students sometimes talk of how much they'll earn one day.
Student groups attempt to introduce culture to the overall culturally homogeneous student body. Almost all of the students were raised in your typical american suburb, and those that weren't stick out. The student body is, however, accepting, in terms of "alternative lifestyles." In terms of politics, the students may talk about politics, but are not actively engaged in protests, etc.
UMBC is an open campus with room for expression from every demographic. With that there is an outlet, it seems, for every taste, lifestyle, religious practice, etc.