The biggest piece of advice I would give myself is to plan ahead and look at finances. Getting a loan can be a scary and daunting task, but it is a part of college that should not be put off until the last minute. Plan ahead and see how much you will need to pay out of pocket for your schooling so you know exactly how big of a loan you will need from the bank. College is expensive and most people take out loans. I would suggest keeping a running total on the scholarships you have coming in, how much money you are earning working a job, and knowing how much you have to pay for school. Set up a plan to help save money and keep track of how much you are spending on necessary essentials. You will feel much more at ease when it comes time to pay for tuition if you have everything in order.
When I was in High School there were many things in my day that complicated my school work, come from a large hard working farming family. Raised to work everyday with sports and homework involved it get to be pretty tough. If I had the oppertunity to talk to myself back in time, id tell myself to enjoy my time with my family, work my hardest in all that I do, and trust in god over anything. Life was a day to day struggle being the second oldest of eight children, I had a lot of responsiblity at a young age. Driving our grain truck to help farm since I was 12 and doing chores every day while being in school and sports got to be a lot on my mind. It got to be stressful but I never stopped working as hard as I could but it was a stressful life. When I look back now every thing worked out and I know now it had a lot to do with my strong faith in god but I wish I realized than that God played the biggest role in my life keeping everything okay and blessing my life.
My own self meditated advice would be to analyze my interests more intensely. I would study what the colleges have to offer with great detail and decide which school has the best to offer in my field of interest. Transferring schools cost me a great deal of money lost from the first college financial aid package granted to me. I would apply myself full force and take summer courses on line through my college of choice and finish my career degree in 3 to 4 years with aggressive self application.
You do not need as much as you think you do! Get involved because you will meet lots of new people. Get enough rest, because it is easy to become overwhelmed. Get to know the area before you go and do anything stupid. Do not procrastinate!
Take it seriously. College is an important step in bettering myself to get into a great career and not being stuck making pizza for a long time. Make a variety of friends and be confident about your work and take this experience one day at a time. Don't focus only on the social aspect of school; make sure you have time to complete your work.
To whom it may Concern:
To receive a degree is very important to due to education purposes. Getting a job would be easier; and the knowledge that comes with the information anyone will obtain will follow them for a lifetime. Without out a degree and or education life can be very difficult. Seeking a job or just living every day. This would be a great honor to receive this Scholarship; for I have worked so hard to meet every goal in my studies at Glendale Community College seeking a Business Management Applied Science degree. I am on my 2nd full year. I believe with the help of the scholarship it will help me pay for the classes while in attendance. I do attend a full time schedule. My career goal is to achieve an A.A in business and move on to a four year university to earn a bachelor’s degree in business. The scholarship will help me in many ways to prosper. With the career I am seeking in the end is management. Either I can own my own business or run any business. The career goal I am seeking is a Manager in any company.
I would tell myself that college is important and to not think that for a second that taking a year off is going to be for just a year. Life is too short and through my hardships and experiences I have learned that you can not take anything for granted in your life. I would like to change things I have done and know now that were childish and stupid. I would tell my younger self that when you are faced with bumps in the road do not give up do not let them get the best of you. In the long run this question can only be a fantasy of what you would like to do but I realize that everything that I have been through has made me the person I am today and honestly now I wouldn't change anything in the world.
If I had the opportunity to talk to my past self about college, the biggest thing I would tell her is to relax. Make sure to live the life you have to the fullest at that very moment because you never know what tomorrow brings. I took a lot of my time stressing about where to go, what to do and how to do it that I missed out on a lot of great things, like the school basketball games, spending times with my friends on the weekend or even just having a lazy day afternoon. Today I am always worried about school and work that I do not have enough time to enjoy spending time with my family or watching one of my favorite movies. The most valuable thing that I learned while leaving high school was that everyday is a holiday and to live my life like it is that way. I only wish that I could go back in time and tell that to my past self so I could have learned to take it easy and enjoy the simple, but great things that this life has to offer us.
You do not need to take EVERYTHING with you to college. You will find out you don't need it. Take a break every once in a while, because it is not good to become over stressed. Take advantage of discounts, because they really do help! Go to the college fairs because you get lots of free stuff! Apply for scholarships because it is a big relief not to have to fork out your own money for tuition. Use time wisely; it is nice to go have some fun knowing you got your work done on your break.
The advice i would give to myself would be to pay plenty of attention to what the instructor is teaching me. It can be the most boreing excersice but every little information about any subject would be helpful for college classes. Yes college can be difficult if you dont pay attention to all the free help that is given to you in highschool. Also, another advice i would give myself is fanancial advice. All the free money that is out there for students that dont have money to pay for tuition. Apply for as many scholarships as you can because having to owe money to the college is a situation you don't want to be in. Scholarship money is money for you, for your tuition like books, pencils, notepads, etc. College isn't free like in high school but winning scholarships one, two or three scholarships would make ur finicial problems in college go away. You can pay for a class without any problems with tuition fees.