University of Mary Washington Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at University of Mary Washington accurate?


Not really, although sometimes it may seem like that, especially if you live in Virginia Hall freshman year.


I do know a lot of people at UMW who didn't get into UVA or William and Mary, but Mary Washington definitely has a lot of smart people. UMW is very racially homogenous--it's mostly white. UMW's new president is going to work on building more diversity, though, so hopefully diversity will increase with time. Even though UMW is a public university, sometimes the school feels private, since it is small and has a very beautiful campus. Most guys aren't as smart as the girls (perhaps because it is harder for the university to attract male students, it is easier for them to get accepted), but again, you can definitely find smart ones there. The "Mary Washington High School" stereotype is completely off base.


Not entirely, College is what you make out of it. If you want to go out, you can go out. If you want to stay in and just hang out with friends, then that's your thing. I find the social scene to be fine. It's not your typical 500 person college party, but on any given night there is something going on.




Like most stereotypes they can only be attributed in a very broad way. Most of the people I meet are pretty rad, smart, and fun people. There are quite a few yuppies, but even they tend to be smarter than your average jock or frat boy. There is a pretty open attitude about lesbian and gay people at our school which is really cool and fun. Obviously no place is perfect and you have stuck up pricks and morally eroded sleaze-bags who probably came here for the male-to-female ratio.


Not entirely. I would say that it pretty accurate to say that many students go away each weekend, but not because there's nothing happening on campus. There are plenty of events and opportunities to do things, but a lot of people ignore the events and go home anyway. Most people are from Nova and travel back and forth each weekend. For the W&M and UVA rejects thing: I am one of them... But, I like Mary Wash. more than I thought I would, so I think that people need to give this school a chance. Just because the reputation is not as grand as W&M does not mean that UMW is not a good school.




No, while we do not have a racially diverse population we do have a diverse group of students. People come from all different socioeconomic, religious, and political backgrounds. If anything, this school has a more liberal and very tolerant student body


no. mary wash is the best school ever


hell yeah