University of Maine at Augusta Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Maine at Augusta know before they start?


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to finish high school, not get pregnate at 15 and that a college education is very importlant to making it in the world.


College is expensive. You don't want to waste that money partying. You want to have a good experience, make friends, and be a good student. Put yourself out there to succeed! Stay focused.


I am very fortunate to have found the University of Maine at Augusta. I would chose this school if i were fresh out of high school. The one thing I would tell my self is not to wait to go to school. Even though this school has given everthing I have needed and is a great fit for me, I think going to school strait from high school would have been better then waiting until I was in my mid thirties and having all the day to day pressure of a full time job, husband, and three teenagers.


Go back to school sooner. Take as many classes as possible. Learn as much as humanly possible. Don't be afraid to change your mind.


Self! Work hard at school and don't party too much. The sacrifice you're making now will more than pay off if you do well. No event, party or girl is worth derailing your education. There will always be events in the future. Parties are overrated. Any girl who doesn't support your continuing education is not right for you. That being said still remember to take time to enjoy your college experience. Take classes you like until you decide what your major should be. If you enjoy your education you will be much more successful. Be sure you'll also enjoy your career after completing your education. No amount of income can compensate for a career you loath. It won't be easy but it will be worth it. Stay focused and don't lose hope.


Never be afraid of dreaming big! When you accomplish a goal that is when you feel the greatest satisfaction in life. Don't underestimate your abilities, and NEVER give up on a dream even if it takes longer than you thought to accomplish it. The only failures in life are the ones that quit! Build strong relationships, because these will go with you throughout your life, and when you need someone in the worst of situations those friends will be there to help. Don't close yourself off to people because you are afraid of rejection. Everyone has to face their fears, but if you face your fears instead of tucking tail and hiding, you will be a stronger person in the end. ALWAYS accept constructive criticism. There are people who know more than you, and have many more life experiences under their belt. Even if you don't agree with everything that is said, listen and you will glean something that will benefit you in the future. A real person is one that can see his own flaws and work at changing them not defending them.


To go back to 2009 and tell my high school senior self about college would have been a huge help to me then. The first thing I would say is that college really is not so scary, the people are nice and helpful, and you will be just fine. As a high school senior there are many important decisions to make and it can be extremely overwhelming. It would have been nice to receive some quality advice from my college self. I have always been a cautious person, never wanting to break rules or get into trouble. I do not like to take risks or jump into the unknown. Going to my first college class was terrifying. But I did it! It was not hard. No one jumped out at me and said "boo!" The only advice I could have given myself as a high schooler would be to chill out and just go with it.


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior, I would encourage that student to : pursue extra-curricular activities, make friends from a variety of different groups, and avoid steadily dating anyone. I would have pushed myself to pursue an advanced diploma instead of settling for a general diploma. I also would have pursued a foreign language, instead of letting fear get the better of me. Following this path (and knowing what I know now about college), I think this would have improved my transition to community college...and set me up for better results once I moved on to a four-year university.


My return to college this year has again reminded me that I need to take responsibility for my own choices in order to accomplish the goals that I have set for myself. While it may be helpful to have staff assist me in the choice of courses that I am required to take, it is ultimately my responsibility to decide what major suits my goals and life choices best and what courses I want to take in order to enrich my life. That is, after all, the goal of education: to enrich my own life and allow me to share what I have learned in my life and in my education with others in order to enrich their lives as well.


I have learned quite a bit, I just do not like the non-tradtional setting UMA has.