University of Louisiana at Lafayette Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Louisiana at Lafayette know before they start?


Pick a college that has a strong program in which you would like to pursue! Entering as a freshman, try to enroll in as many extracurricular activities as possible. It's a great way to meet new people and it looks great on a resume. Once you get towards the end of your college degree you'll wish you had participated in waaaaay more. Don't rush your experience! It's a great one. After college comes the real world....which isn't all that great!


I would advise parents that they should never pressure their children into choosing a school or major. This time in our lives is crucial, and extremely beneficial to the rest of our lives. When parents force their ideas or opinions on their children, the students generally do not do as well in school, and become unhappy. Parents should allow the students to search for themselves, and guide them by sharing wisdom. These four years allow the students to develop into adulthood. While it is not the end of the world if the students decide they want to go in a completely different direction than they have been going for the past years, it will save them a lot of time and money if they would have just explored their options and decided for themselves. In the case of students, the only advice I have is to enjoy themselves. We will have careers for the rest of our lives, and it is too much pressure to consider school as their career for the moment being. While schoolwork is especially crucial to being successful, it is more necessary to keep yourself happy and form a strong sense of self.


The little bit of advice that I would give to parents and students trying to find the right college is that it is important to find an environment that you know you can succed and still have a fun fulfilling time in college. To attend school somewhere you can participate in the college campus activities and still maintain your GPA is very important. Campus involvement makes your college experience so much more fun.




I feel the first thing you need to remember when choosing a college is to be true to yourself. Choose a particular university because you want to, try not to let others influence you but be open to suggestions. Second, I recommend visiting as many colleges as possible. Even if you feel that the chances of you choosing that school are very slim, you have nothing to loose by visiting the college and seeing what it has to offer. Last, take plenty of time in choosing your university. This is one of the most important decisions you will make, therefore it deserves some thought. Once you start your college career my number one suggestion is to TAKE IT SERIOUSLY! Do not make the mistake of messing up your first semester. Once you are settled into the college, make the best of the experience. You should meet new people; participate in programs such as clubs, sports, and anything else the school might have to offer. College should be a positive experience, not just because you will get a better job once you?re finished but because college has so much more to offer than just diploma.


Making the most out of college is about making personal connections, both in the sense of supportive friendships and in the sense of future business colleagues. Choose a place that can both work with your finances and cater to your academic needs. Attend your classes, even if your work is not done; professors remember familiar faces and are willing to work with your difficulties. If you must imbibe legal or illegal illicit substances, do it on the weekends. Don't ever schedule an 8 AM class; it just is not worth it. Try not to ruin your personal finances simply for the sake of surviving your baccalaureate degree. Travel. Wear silly hats and clown shoes and make as much noise as you find fun.


All colleges are realativly the same as far as classes and accademics. The importance choice is to choose a college where you can honestly see yourself at. I fell in love with the campus as soon as i saw it. That was the deciding factor. If you are happy with the place you're at, you will succeed.


I would advise that the financial costs of attending a university are not directly proportionate to the quality of education you will receive. I went to a university that was extremely affordable, and I was able to obtain an education that I fell was top quality. I believe that an education is what you make of it. I put all my energy into receiving the best education and taking what I learned and applying it to my real world experiences, and I believe that I was able to obtain the kind of education I would have received had I gone to a bigger, more prestigious, and more costly university. I also believe that a visit to the universities of interest to you is important prior to attending the university. Choice of university will affect the rest of your life, so you should make this choice fully informed about the social setting and academic quality of the university.


I think students as well as parents should look into the classes offered and where the school ranks in that degree program. ULL is great in nursing, but that does not help a music major. They should also look into the activities offered. All work and no play can create a dull individual. The student should decide how far they would like to live and how many students they would like to share their college with. Sometimes big schools are not always the best schools for a certain person. Once in college, be active. Join a greek organization. Meet new people and build life long bonds. You should also party alittle. Go to spring break or do a ski trip with the school. The only way to enjoy college is to make the best out of it even if it is not what you expected. A great company once said my people will work but also let my people surf(Patagonia). Only you can make your college experience a great one.


The best advice that I could give to students is to enjoy all that college has to offer. Try and take a bunch of different courses and broaden your horizon. I would also suggest taking your time during the college experience and really enjoy it. I am personally starting my fourth year of college this fall and have two years left to go with my Nursing Clinical process. It is, and can be really difficult to finish any college program on time, especially in just four years. The college programs are very competitive. There will always be struggles and maybe even some small setbacks, but it is all in the way you deal with them. It is very important to stay positive and not lose focus on the fact that it will all be worth it in the end. Yes, it will get stressful, but is all apart of the test to see if you can make it in the real world. And once you continue to fight, and not give up, you have passed the test! I am learning that as I continue through the process, and I cannot wait until I finally achieve my dream to help others.