University of Louisiana at Lafayette Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at University of Louisiana at Lafayette?


People often think UL Lafayette is a bad school because of our football team.


Most stereotypes that I've heard about UL is that the majority of the students attending are the only the ones who who could not get into LSU.


I think some stereotypes about UL students is that they don't care about the university. I think a lot of people assume just b/c there is a lack of sports attendance it automatically means lack of school pride. I think it's completely untrue, I think all students want the UL name to succeed so they're degree can mean something.


Some stereotypes are the students there are stupid, and poor. UL is thought to be dirty and old.


People only go to UL because they cant get into LSU. Our sports are bad.


hometown college with hometown people second rate academics students who like to party all the time


That we are LSU rejects. That we are lower class since it is inexpensive to go to school here.


Our Univserities biggest stereotype is that we are a party school. It is extremely hard to ignore this description being that we are in Louisiana. Because we live in Louisiana, it is also said that our education is less than acceptable, which is far from true.


Some stereotypes I find are that the students that attend ULL are the students who could not get into LSU. ULL is a big party school.


That we party too much and that it must not be a hard college.