University of Kansas Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about University of Kansas!


KU is a very diverse school. Very sports-oriented. Academic support is just as high as school spirit.


My school is very beautiful and everything is within reach without the hassle of everything being so far away.


The campus has great landscaping and there are so many people I feel I have a rich, diverse, social life where many people of many backgrounds are included. The school also has a large variety of acedemic persuits available, with classes I never thought available anywhere are offerred and accessable. There is a lot of things to do in the city the campus is found in, and I feel the school provides a lot of new experiences I wouldn't have found anywhere else.


The University of Kansas is very diverse. It has something for every student who enrolls. For example, there are a lot of clubs and societies that students can get involved in. The clubs and societies are offered for everyone's interestest, wheter it be academics, or sports. This school has an outstanding tradtion of school spirit. Attending the sporting events is fun to be with other student who have the same school pride. Overall, this school is unique because so many people with different backgrounds can come together under one certain thing, being a Jayhawk!


The campus is amazing. There were many more opportunities here to get into the field of work that I was interested in. I came into college knowing I wanted to do something with sports and KU offered a sports management program as well as sports broadcasting. I got my undergraduate degree in sports broadcasting and saw that the opportunity for work right now was not strong so I am going back to school to get a graduate degree in sports studies.


Academically, I feel that the University of Kansas is slightly superior to its fellow state schools; the programs offered are diverse in nature and number, and boast reputable faculty. But where this school shines most is the cultural mix of its students. I've never encountered such a blended amalgam of beliefs, attitudes, philosophies and opinions than I have in Lawrence, KS. Furthermore, beyond the doors of these campus buildings lies a true gem of a town, uniquely nestled in what many would consider a largely narrow-minded, culturally-ignorant state.


not too far from home, beautiful campus, good school enthusiasm


The gorgeous campus and Allen Fieldhouse for basketball games


We're very diverse and open to many different mindsets and opinions. We're very proud to be who we are, no matter who "we" is comprised of. We're spirited and fun, smart and strong, we're jayhawks.


This school is in a college town. I have never lived in a town that is primarily known for its University, and I think its a great atmosphere. Everything that happens around town is tailored to the University schedule and there are lots of cheap options for us poor students!