If i could go back in time i would tell my self to do the best i can and take the time needed to make the most out of the life you have i would tell my self the you can do anything you put your mind to not to let othes tell you that you cant be what ever you want i would have told my self to go to college when i was younger and not to wait untill i was in my 40s to go back to school. and to see where i am a now. and let myself know that i could have been so much more had i taken the time to go to school when i was younger but not to be discuraged that i have my mind set on what i want to be and that in my 40s i have the will to go to college and do what i should have done years ago.
Unlike many of my friends, I have somehow managed to keep a good GPA in my first two years of college, even while moving colleges frequently. However, I do not think I have had as much of a fun "college experience" as some. In high school, I was the student who was involved in everything all the time, as I hate being bored. However, after graduating (finally) I was burnt out on extra curricular activities. So, in my first couple of semesters in college, I pretty much stuck to myself. That may be all well and good for grades, but for me it caused a loss of motivation. This semester, I decided to again involve myself, something that makes it SO much easier to meet new people with common interests in both school and the outside world! Ironically, my grades are even better being more involved because I feel as though there is a purpose to my schooling. So, my advice would be simple: stay involved! Meeting new people and making new friends is critical to the college experience; classes are all well and good, but without real-world experiences, you gain so much less!
If I were to tavel back in time to adivse myself, the only adivse I would give would be, "Just keep doing what you're doing." I have had many "ups" and even more "downs" in my college career, but I would not want to change anything that has happened in the past four years of my life. If I were to tell someone all the experiences I've had in college, their jaw would be on the ground. Some of these experiences were amazing: studying and traveling around Europe, being involved in multiple sports, meeting some of the most incredible people, and mentoring my younger friends. Some weren't so good: getting invloved in the wrong crowds, accidentally running through a glass racquetball door, not studying for a test when I should have, and having horrible roommates. These experiences that I have been through define who I am today, and I wouldn't want to change that for any reason. I am happy with my life, and my experiences have taught me to be very "well rounded" and a good person at heart. My advise, I want to continue to "Just keep on doing what I'm doing."
Kaity, listen up. You need to make sure you remember to get football tickets otherwise you'll be stuck out in the Georgia heat on game days. Find graduates from your high school that way you're comfortable when you go out for the first couple weeks. Oh, and don't be to scared of your hallmates. Go invite them to hang out and see movies. As far as the roommate situation goes make an effort to keep talking after the first week maybe you'll have a better time with it than i did. It does get lonely, I won't lie. Make sure you have a good friend to go sit with when you miss your family. Afew more things, GO OUT MORE. Go have some fun at least once a week. Go downtown a little. And don't forget to make your advising appointment earlier so you can get the good class times that way you can avoid having to log into the system every ten minutes to get out of that class that ends a 5:30 on Fridays. You'll do fine in your classes though. I know how you are and it pays off.
I would definitely tell myself RELAX! BE ORGANIZED AND MANAGE TIME EFFICIENTLY! Every class counts to your GPA! Even if the teacher appears easy as well as the class, don't use that as an excuse to skip a few lectures or put it off to the side. Even though the material is harder than high school material, it is not overwhelming. If you try and put your effort into it, there is nothing you can't achieve! College is about time management and how well you use your time. Just because some people do not read the text book doesn't mean you shouldn't either. For some people the material is easy to understand, but it might not be for you as well. It doesn't mean they are smarter than you. It means you just need to put more effort and time in understanding those material. Manage your time wisely, but the most important thing is, do not let college make you spiritually weak. Pray every day and ask for help. Always remain spiritually strong! You have an exciting future ahead of you in University of Georgia.
First, whatever you are absolutely certain about will change. The kind of personal and financial obligations you have now will pale in comparison to the vast number of new obligations placed on you. Second, decide if full-time status or part-time is right for you because rushing through college isn't necessarily the best idea. Third, TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS! No one is going to push you to do your work and you should definitely utilize your professors office hours. Fourth, you're going to meet many different people so don't be frustrated when you have a different opinion or idea. Ultimately, as human being you probably want the same things but have different ways of getting there. Finally, you don't have to figure out what you want to do with your life or who you want to be the first day of college and stick with it. College is about change. College is about understanding, not just a particular field of study but about understanding yourself. College is the time to take the steps to becoming who you want to be, but a major field of study isn't who you are as a person.
To work harder in school and take certain AP courses and pass the ap exams
Keep your faith and attend Church. Religion is your constant in life. Don't stress about the little drama in life. Look at the bigger picture. Surround yourself with people who will positively influence your life. Live your life to the fullest, and don't let it pass you by. Get out of your comfort zone and join some organizations. Approach each day with a positive outlook, and you will succeed. Get involved. Focus on school, but have fun!
Get good grades only to impress other people. Your good grades will be used as ammunition to fire at potential employers. If you have enough ammo, and you be sure to fire it at the right people, you will wear down their defenses.
But always remember to use your ammo. Always remember that good grades will be useless if they simply remain a number on a report card. Talk to people in the industry and express your desire for a job, tell them how capable you are and keep at it. Tell them over and over again. They will listen.
College is the opposite of anything picturesque, most students fail to realize the less appealing aspects. Everyone visualizes a life of constant partying, a bit of studying, and a life of complete emancipation from their parents. I have encountered a problem with every one of these stereotypical fantasies. I think every freshman in college has to find the balance between extracurricular activities and studying. The majority tend to place "extracurriculars" at a higher level of importance, thusly producing a less than satisfactory fall GPA. In order to reverse this trend, go into the first semester prepared to dedicate a much greater amount of time teaching yourself the material. Studying isn't necessarily learning terms etc, but it can simply be dedicating time to the monotany of reading a textbook. Secondly, leaving your parents is not all it's cracked up to be. I am currently six hours away and I now appreciate and respect them more than ever before. Now, this one is important, pay attention, take your vitamins and get enough sleep! Many students will portray a sleepless facade that makes them seem tough but secretly they are napping. Revert to kindergarden days and cherish naptime!