To get the most out of your college years you really only have to do one thing and that is to realize that life doesn't wait for you to graduate from college to begin. Growing up, attending elementary school, middle school and high school, most students don't really stop and think about what it is that they are doing. After all, you're living at home and education to this level is compulsory. But you shouldn't let any more years go back in the same thoughtless repetition. Our lives have already begun; you're living yours each and every day, so even when you have two tests and paper due you should try not to loose that perspective. A poor grade on a test isn?t the end of the world. Find something that you really love doing, find people that you enjoying spending time with, and learn everything that you can while you?re in school. When else will you have the opportunity to learn directly from experts in your field? Appreciate each and every day because they only come around once.
Be prepared, financially, and emotionally
Make sure that you visit the campus before applying there so you can see the surrounding area. Talk to students who go there to see how they like it. Apply to other colleges in case you don't get into your first choice
I believe the most important things about choosing the right college for any student is making sure that the college or university has great academics, fun social opportunities, and most importantly a safe campus. Any school with good academics and high competition will make a student work harder and be prepared for the real world. Working hard at getting good grades is an essential part of college and it will pay off in the end when you get that well earned high paying job. However, its not all about getting good grades. Students should be involved in what interests them the most making them a well rounded person. Getting involved and having many friends can help those students network and foster those long lasting relationships. Lastly, having a safe campus is very attractive to many parents and students. Parents want their college bound kids to feel at home, and students want their worried parents to trust them and the university. As a result, college should be one of the best experiences of your life and it is up to the student to choose where he or she will make the most memories.
First off, students, you should go where YOU want to go, not where your parents want you to go. One of the most important parts of deciding which college is best for you is making the decision yourself. To find the right college, you need to sort out which attributes most appeal to you. I chose having division-1 sports, a large open campus, lots of students, lots of extracurricular activites to get involved with, a large alumni population, and a good academic reputation. To make the most out of your college experience, its important to get involved on campus. Whether that be joining a fraternity or sorority, joining a club, or even starting a new one, its crucial to make friends. Some of the people you meet and spend time getting to know could end up being the groomsmen or bridesmaides in your wedding. These people will also be your support system in college, your parents are no longer there to hold your hold hand. I advise all students to try their very hardest when they start college in the fall, because as they semester goes on, you'll find more distractions as you discover your school.
Finding the right college is difficult which you need to visit that area before you move. Even if you like it at first, you might not like it later on so pick your choice wisely. The type of college depends on your personality. You should live your life to the fullest and enjoy your experiences in college while you can but don't let that get in the way of your responsibilities.
The University of Florida is a great choice for both students and parents. The campus is safe at all hours and the academic work really prepares you for the challenges to come in your field of research. We are one of the top in the Country for a reason!
The advice that I would give to students about finding the right college is to first and foremost, make an educated decision. Choosing a college is no small event, it dictates the direction of four years of your life and everyone that goes through the process comes out a changed person in the end. it's very important to choose the right college that will enhance this journey of self-exploration, one that offers many resources and extra-curricular activities, so that you can get the most out of the college experience by being exposed to as many events and people as possible.
Find a school that offers the program that you want and that has good support for that program. It can be very frustrating to major in something that the school doesn't see as a priority since funding and staffing are likely to be less than adequate. Most importantly, however, make sure that you have a good support system behind you. Friends and family who believe in what you are doing and are there to encourage you can make a world of difference. If you will attend school in a place that is far from home find a positive group to be involved with (clubs, sports teams, volunteer groups, a church, etc.). The friends that you can make among a group of like minded individuals can be invaluable to your mental and emotional well-being as you navigate through the challenging and sometimes frustrating college experience.
If there is one thing I wish someone had shown me before going to college it would be the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test. I originally went to school for digital arts but didn't like the classes or the program. I switched to public relations and now have applied to law school. The MBTI test helped me see what interests I had - not just what I thought I was good at. Had I known my interests earlier on, I could have made a better decision about what major I had wanted to go into and what classes I should have taken. I would also suggest to parents to investigate the college's department for whatever major their child chooses. A great school may not have the best college for the major they want to go into. It is important to look at the facilities for the major and not just the school as a whole. Getting informed about oneself is the cornerstone to making a great career decision while in college, and knowing which college can cater to that interest will help both the student and the parent make the right choice.