I have gotten plenty out of my college expierence my time management skills have gotten much better. I have had to balance school, work, study and a little bit of a social life just to keep my sanity. College has also helped me get my priorities in check. Now I make sure my school work is done before I go out and socialize. It is also a great feeling to have a goal that you can work towards. I have also had challenges that I have had to work past and over come, my step father passed away recently and it has been very hard to deal with, it was a challenge starting a new chapter in my life without him there. I did it though! Attending college has always been a part of my plan and it in the two years that I have been in college it has helped me in many ways and even helped me have a better understanding of who I am and who I aspire to be.
I have come to realize who I am. I know this sounds generic and dull but, I have learned so much about my behaviors. My most recent claim to fame discovery is I, and most other people, need to learn the hard way (Beware of cliches!). I could be told the best advice in the world and know it is the best advice but, I am still going to do whatever I feel is right at that time. When that fails miserably, I have my own feelings and reasoning for not performing said act ever again. Hence why I am now desperately applying for any scholorships I can. I know my family has always had money issues but, I was just hoping everything would somehow work out without me having to apply for scholarships. It only took my dad telling me we did not have money for him to ship me my medicated fash wash for me to hop on the computer stat and repeatedly type in my name and address. In other words UF has been valuable to attend because, I learned to always listen to people's advice but, to continue to learn by making my own decisions.
I have only been in college for a couple of months now and I've already gotten so much out of my college experince. I am learning how to live on my own and take responsibility for my life. I am starting to get a feel for who I am and what I want to do for the rest of my life. These are things I don't think I'd be able to accomplish living at home.
Attending college has broadened my outlook on life and the diverse people that live it. I believe it is valuable to attend because on a small scale, it gives you a new perspective and understanding of both who you are and who you are seeking to become. Most importantly, attending college opens up new opportunities and venues that can not only help you achieve your goals, but allow you to contribute and help others as well.
My college experience helped me learn many things about myself and life. It was the first time I live away from my parents and needed to learn to be independant. Religiously I was able to find my own comfort level by becoming involved in the Hillel at the University of Florida. I joined a fraternity in college that was primarily a christian fraternity, although there were several members of different faiths. This experience helped me learn the importance of tolerence with people that think differently than I do. I had many impactful experiences, such as attending a bible study and being asked to give my Jewish perspective to the conversation. Since UF was in a different region than where I grew up I met many students that were raised differently than I was. This is another opportunity I would have missed without branching out to another location, that UF provided for me. Lastly I believe we should never stop learning in life and I was provided an excellent education at UF. I am now in a graduate program totally unrelated to my original degree, but those classes I took molded who I am as a person today.
College was always something that I was expected to do without question. but going into it, I would have neevr guessed that it would have the impact on me that it has had. Life has so many twists and turns that you can never be accounted for, and taking them all in stride is the only way to deal with them. Being at UF has allowed me to become my own person and discover so much about who I am, and who I want to be. I have such a diversity about me because of the different groups I have met. What I used to view as weaknesses about myself, have turned in to strengths. The professors that I have had were so much more than a tecaher, but a mentor in helping me grow as a person and challenging me in ways that I had never been challenged. While I have had a superior education here, more than anything, the knowledge i have gained has given me confidence to take on life and whatever it throws at me. UF is more than a school or an institution, it is a place I now call home.
Having just enrolled in college as a 40 year old freshman has already changed my life. I've always known the value of education and am raising my 2 children, ages 11 and 8 yrs, to value their education as well. As a divorced mother in a low income, high unemployment area it is now imperative that I gain a higher education to not only support myself and my children, but also to show them that no one is above advancing their education and we should all strive to be the best and smartest person we can be. College so far is such an amazing experience. I have already learned that I can do what ever I set out to do and I CAN achieve my goal of becoming a teacher. Thank you for this opportunity.
The biggest thing I have gotten out of my college experience is learning. I know the entire point of going to a university is to learn, but I have gained far more than academic knowledge at my institution. The best experiences I value the most are the interactions with other people: students, professors, visitors, locals, anybody on campus. It's the life experiences, the small things, that I find most valuable. Learning how amazing other people can be and how cruel they can be. Learning more and more that life isn't just about me; there is life beyond my own mind! There isn't a textbook in the world that can provide me with the experiences I have been through, the lessons I have learned.
I've learned Responsibility for my work. If my work requires me to be at a certain place at a certain time then I know I must be there at that place and time! Being there is Crusial! Learning Responibilities, such as, being on time to class. If your early your on time, if your on time your late. It is a challenge to motivate yourself but if you have your heart and mind set on a goal then you can accomplish anything. It's valuable to attend because you get the hands on experience that you need to succeed in your life goals/work.
I have met many ineresting people here. I ahve found out that everyone wants to be an individual at campus and its encouraged, which I like. Yet the campus feels connected like a big family and I know that the next three years at UF are going to inspire and foster growth of my character and life.