University of Florida Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about University of Florida!


i love UF, but the couselors are the only part i would really change. To be more caring


It has been a good experience but I think UF is losing its quality in the education aspect.


I think that I basically summed it all up. Gainesville is not the greatest place to be in my opinion but I've gotten used to it and I seem to be keeping out of trouble and being focused on my studies so that's a plus I guess. I love going to the mall to shop, hanging out with friends, watching movies, and being involved in Alpha Phi Omega!!


GO GATORS. Our school is absolutely fantastic. I love being a GATOR!!!!!


GO GATORS!!!!!!!




I am very glad I decided to go to UF. It was the best decision I have ever made!


I'm filling out this survey on behalf of Alpha Phi Omega.


the parking situation is ugly. the administration doesn't seem to care much about education only football, which is overrated.


well just for an airing of grievances: the physical plant people need to be alot more careful when their driving around DOWN THE SIDEWALKS, the BICYCLES are not vehicles!!!--no one else in florida enforces that law!!!, and living on campus during football season if AWFUL. people need to care less about football and more about academics!!!