University of Evansville Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


That the people in financial aid are not really helpful, the dormitories are not in great condition, and that the school is far too expesive for the services and academic experiences.


There is not really anything. I researched this school very thoroughly before attending it.


I wish that I had known I couldn't afford this school. Even with the amazing scholorships they gave me, this school is just expensive. If I had known before hand that I was going to fall in love with this school, I would have found a way to save up more money and to pay off the interest on my loans while I was here.


I wish I'd known more about Harlaxton


How much money it would cost over the course of 4 years, and more organizational skills.


To work ahead and read the syllabus entirely. It was much more fast paced than high school and teachers don't always remind students of upcoming projects and papers


I was told everything I needed to know very thouroughly before I came.