Acceptance into some majors is hard to come by. Lower standards would be helpful to people who wish to change their major.
The worst thing about my school is that it doesn't feel like a close community. It feels like everyone is seperated by different races, genders, and even just plain old looks. The thing that I loved about my high school is that everyone came together and everyone was different. From what i've heard college is supposed to be this big mixing pool of different types of people that want to be exposed to different types of personalities.
Depending on your dorm's location, the nearest bus stop could be up to a 20-minute walk away.
I think alot of the majors have requirements that make it difficult to graduate in four years.
The worst thing about my school is the tuition. The University of Delaware is a public institution and is not generous in scholarships.
The worst thing about my school is probably the cuts in our budget. The recent recession has forced us to take cuts in all of our programs and it has soemwhat affected our campus life.
The worst thing about the University of Delaware is the size. There are so many people on campus that you never see the same face twice. It's difficult to get to know your teachers as the classes have up to 400 students in them. Sometimes it is difficult to focus during classes of this size because you have to sit so far away from the professor in the lecture hall.
I consider the worst thing about my school the size of my engineering classes. As we progress in engineering, our options in classes are limited. Each mechanical engineering class I am enrolled in includes all 90 or so of my fellow junior mechanical engineers. I had thought that as I completed each year, the classes would get smaller. Also, because my classes include all of the mechanical engineers from my year, I do not have any options as to when and with whom I take my classes.
There is not a very quiet place to study in my dorm building. I walked to the library a lot, in order to concentrate.
My least favorite thing about UD is the high cost of living. I had to live at home this year because I couldn't afford to live in a dorm, and the ridiculous prices of parking, tuition, and books have drained our college funds. I don't want to take out Student Loans, I don't want my parents to use their retirement savings, and I'm supposed to practice my violin 4 hours a day, so I can't get a job. I feel stuck.