University of Connecticut Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at University of Connecticut accurate?


Yes, they are all right on.


Yes. At least in my day, the University's mission was to supply state industry with engineers (United Tech, Electric Boat, Perkin Elmer), insurance professionals, nurses and farmers. I actually view this as the correct mission.


somewhat. there are actually alot of cats from log island and jersey


it depends on who you are/what you do- if you belong to a frat or sororitiy you probably have pretty consistent nice parties




It has probably become only about half true lately. Within the last three years, there has been much more enforcement towards underage drinking and overly large parties. We still love to party here, but we're just more careful about it.


1. Yes. Most people seem to drink a bit. 2. No. 3. Some definitely are, some definitely aren't. 4. Quite a few do by the time they graduate, or at least fall out of shape. 5. Some people totally hate it, but really, it's not too terrible. You learn how to be a more discriminatory eater to avoid food poisoning. It also depends on the dining hall. 6. Yes, and it's pretty overwhelming. 7. Yes. There's a Walmart and a couple restaurants you can walk to. But most of your life will be on campus, unless you leave for the weekend. 8. No.


this is not entirely true although every weekend there is quite a bit of partying and spring weekend is, well, spring weekend


Every student does not drink & party every day & go overboard. Every school is a party because they all have parties on campus that have alcohol & drugs, but because UCONN is a bigger campus it seems like we top all other schools. Many students study & try to achieve their best because they learn when its time to have fun & party & when they should calm down & study. There is not a large community of minorities on campus but each year the school tries to reach out to us & offer more culturally diverse events on campus.


No because I know lots of people who are from all over the country and even the world. Also, while the school may be located in a rural area, there are enough people to make up a big town. There is plenty of things to do and it is not far from the mall.