Choose a path for yourself and and shoot for the stars. I have seen many students flounder becuase they lack courage of conviction in what they choose to do. If you have the proper mindset, you truly have the ability excel at whatever you desire. Find a career choice at least by the end of your sophomore year and devote yourself to it. With focus and hard work, your achievements will not go unrecognized.
If I could go back to speak with myself as a senior in high school, the main point I would try to get across is to not be anxious. My entire life everyone's always told me how important a decision going to college is, and how much it matters which school you go to and what you get a degree in. They forget to mention to you that college isn't just about getting the best education so you can go onto the best job and the best future; college is where you figure out who you are. In the first four months of school, I've found qualities in myself that would never have surfaced had I not moved onto college. I would be sure to tell myself not to be intimidated by the concept of becoming an adult. I would reassure myself that all I really need to be successful are a few wonderful friends who will support me when I'm unsure and help guide me when I stumble. College is the greatest time of growth in our lives, and I would make sure that my senior-year-self always remembered that.
The best advice could had been given in High School was to study more. It would be very helpful if read more books and newspapers outside of school. What makes the studing in the University more interesting, is the ability to think out of the box. It would make I life much more easier if I developed conseptual skills in High School, as oppose memorizing and repetition of material. The material that was covered in High School is partial comes back in the university, except it is more involved, but if I retained more information from High School I would done much better in college.
Another advice that I was not given in High School, or maybe it was not emphasized enough, was on the financial assistance that i could have recived it in the begining in my college career. I was not told that I am eligiable for any.
I would tell myself as a senior to buckle down, although senior year is one of the best, its a great opportunity to put final touches on your study abilities, learn how to research correctly and quickly and to make sure you take the highlest level of classes availiable to you (AP/ECE). I did take them, and they were a great preparation for college, I dont feel too overwhelmed or out of place. Highschool is a great time to practice being organized and to make mistakes, there arent time for mistakes in college. I would also encourage myself to get my assignments done immediately after they are assigned and to plan accordingly. You are given much more time for assignments in high school but not in college and its valuable to get into the correct habits. I would also put more emphasis on tests and quizes, they dont matter as much in highschool but in college one or two tests may be your only grades. I would also tell myself that dedication is one of the most important things in college and put a ton on emphasis on aquiring indivudual study habits.
I would have advised myself to worry less about expensive private institutions and more about value. As somebody who hopes to go to graduate school, I can't justify accruing huge amounts of debt for undergraduate education.
Dear John,
Life in college is not as daunting or as ominious as you might have assumed. Although it may seem like a big step and a frightening one at that, as long as you try hard and patiently work towards the goals you have in mind, you will succeed. Even though you may not understand, nor desire the future at this present time - it will come regardless. Therefore, don't fret and allow doubt to enter your mind, it is a most unnecessary emotion to have, especially at this point in you life. College will be an excellent experience and, as compared to high school, an excellent way to get to know people who have similar interests and kind hearts. Unlike high school, you will learn about a multitude of information, spanning a wide variety of eras and times that will not only interest you, but benifit and suppliment your understanding of the world around you. In addition, you will meet some people who are most certainly best-friend material. They come from a much higher stock of people than those from high-school; in all, let time be your guide in this new unique, exciting adventure of yours.
I would say, "Listen idiot, stop slacking off. I know that high school seemed like a breeze, but it is a totally different story in college. Trust me, work hard and make sure you get good grades, that way you can get better scholarships and you will not have to go to a satellite branch and miss out on a real college experience. It will suck to do now and work hard, but it will get you in the habit and better prepare you for the next year. Once you are in college, that work habit is going to help so much because it is a lot more work. Right now, you are in the minors, but college is the big leagues. Everything is harder, tests are more so difficult and studying for exams is rough. And listen, the professors could not care less, if you are failing then it is your fault, there is none of this extra credit crap anymore. Plus, you are all on your own when it comes to your work. Mommy and Daddy are not going to be there to check on your grades and hold your hand, so man up and get to work."
If I were able to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself to prioritize my responsibilities and have a clear plan as to what I want to accomplish during, and beyond, college. With a plan in mind, even the unexpected events of life are more manageable! I would also make sure to remind myself to take the time to enjoy the process, as we only get to experience it once, so why not make it the most worthwhile? Furthermore, I would tell myself to take advantage of all the opportunities that come my way, and be thankful and appreciate of all the people who have helped me to achieve my goals. Without these friends, family members, teachers, and others, the experiences I have been able to enjoy would never be the same, and it is important to let these people know how they have influenced your life. Lastly, I would remind myself of the importance of giving back and helping others whenever possible, as an active and empathetic community-member.
Dear Jessica,
PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS! i know that it is your senior year, and the most important things on your mind right now are prom and graduation, but the information you are learning in your classes will only help you in college. Had i known that rational numbers were going to haunt me for a whole semster, i would have spent more time on it so i would not have to feel so dumb. Also do NOT worry about your friends. You will survive without them, trust me. My two best friends moved to Boston, and i started the first day of school without knowing a single soul. By the end of the day i was in the gameroom chatting up a storm with at least a dozen peers. Oh, and learn how to manage your time! College is very different from high school, you will have tons of time out of class, however most of it should be spent on homework if you plan on graduating. Also dont stress about failing out, high school teachers make college seem so hard, in my opinion it is no harder than high school it's just ALOT more work.
Goodluck, Jessica
In the begining as freshman student in college I was very shy and quiet. I felt like this because I was in a new environment and my friends from high school did not attend the same college it took a little more time to start making friends, now I have new friends. It's a great feeling to become more sociolize . That is one thing I would change .. to not to be shy, interact with other, join clubs you meet new students. I joined student goverment my freshman year and made lots of friends, learned new concepts and now I'm chair of the activities commettie. Meaning everyday I interact with students and faculty. =)
One last thing I would change would be work a little more harder giving 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} to assigments and classes in general. Clases will be more challenging but you have to step it up more and if you need help there will always be someone to assist you. You have to take your education serious because it's not highschool it's a new stage in your life and you take the path you want to take to achieve your goals. =)