The best thing about the University of Central Florida has got to be the people. There will always be that initial akwardness when you meet someone but once you get past that it is easy to get along with most of the people on campus.
The friends I have made here.I feel a sense of connection to this place because of the friends I have made here.
The social life is the best thing about my school. At UCF there's always activities going on. This creates a great networking base to find friends, people to give advice, and people who will help you find a job.
I think the natural beauty and learning resources are the best at this school. The campus is so inviting and most of the professors truly want you to learn. I have learned in my experiece they will go out of their way just to make you feel more welcome and to help you understand the material if you are struggling. Most professors extend their office hours and provide different ways of teaching, like group presentations outside and field trips to nearby areas off campus. The professors take the material they teach and apply it to the real world.
The best thing about UCF is the variety of people there and the amount of activities available to students. The atmosphere really allows you to find yourself.
Technology, variety of classes and programs. Diverse and provides a plethora of learning opportunities and learning resourses. I think this school is good for people who like to have a variety and are looking to meet a wide student population that is both diverse racially and in talent, skill, education and creativity. It is a good school to attend in that is provides a wealth of resourses to help students acheive their post graduation goals.
I love the openess and the feeling that you get everytime you walk on this campus. I attended another university my freshmen year and hated it. Now that I am here I couldn't be happier. My favorite thing about UCF is the professors and their willingness to help you.
My professors. The communication sciences and disorders program has some of the most caring and supportive professors. They ae amazing and always willing to help or be there for the students.
The variety of majors and people to interact with.
Just the variety of people and social events that go on. You meet tons of people all the time and most of the students here are friendly. It's a great social environment and I feel like it helps make this school be what it is. It's nice being around my peers, and even more rewarding when I run into students who share my same major (Digital Media: Visual Language).