University of California-Santa Barbara Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of California-Santa Barbara?


How Expensive eveything is, and that the nearby places know we have no choice but to pay the outrageous prices.


It is very hard to acquire the classes one needs. The student to porfessor ratio is very high as well


That would have to be picking classes for each quarter, the freshman are just given all this information and we are expected to disect and figure it all out with minimal help, so for me the most frustrating thing would be picking classes at the start of every new quarter.


On the rare occasion that it decides to rain, the bike paths and pedestrian walkways can be flooded and make going to class or home more difficult.


The most frustrating thing is the fact that it is on a quarter system which means there are only 10 weeks of class and then we have finals. It can be challenging and overwhelming at times because it goes by very fast.


The most frustrating thing has to be the people who smoke on campus.


Almost every student has a problem with their campus in one way or another. During my stay on my campus I have found that trying to gain advice from councelors and advisors is a huge problem. There are many advisors that tell you to go somewhere else for answers and that turns into a very large circle of confusion. The people are very courteous but have little information, even in their own departments.


I do not really see anything to be fustrated about in my school. They have many helpful resources that you can go to. The people here are really nice, and helpful. We have many places were we can study, and do our homework.


For myself, probably that everyone expects everyone else to drink and smoke, while I do none of that.


large classrooms with many students. courses taught rapidly due to the quarter system.