University of California-San Diego Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


We definitely need more support at athletic events. The games may not be UCLA games, but they are still entertaining and would probably be more entertaining if more people went. Greek life is great at UCSD. you can find friends regardless, but finding great friends and social life is much easier as a Greek.


I've been involved with a bunch of different orgs, including leadership. one of the great things about UCSD is the huge number or orgs we have - there's a ton of pretty popular ones. I always encourage my residents to leave their doors open when they're around and most people do for the most part. Doors to common rooms stay open during most hours and people usually close their doors to their rooms if they're trying to study. Athletic events are becoming more popular but attendance is still pretty small for most games. we have an amazing theater department and students always get discounted tickets. Personally, I think the dating scene sucks but i wouldn't date much even if it didn't. lol. I met my closest friends through ResLife as an RA and a lot of students find their closest friends in their residence areas or orgs. If i'm awake at 2am on a Tuesday I'm either writing a lab report or studying for a midterm or hanging out with my residents (watching tv/movies, eating, talking...). Sungod is by far our biggest tradition. We also have a lot of concerts on campus which are really popular, some of which are right in front of our residence areas! Partying varies. It's not in your face so you don't feel like you HAVE to party if you don't want to. SD is also very much of a 21+ kind of city so it depends on age too. Freshmen and sophomores, I would say, probably party every other weekend or so on average. Some people go home every weekend, others party every weekend (or more). Going out once or twice a week for people over 21 is probably about the usual. Most people is frats and sororities party more, as expected. I went to church and then went to downtown SD last weekend and had a BBQ at a friends place off campus. They're opening up a club on campus for all ages so dancing (without drinking) is always fun. Movies, the beach, dinner or dessert (yogurt world and golden spoon are amazing!), shopping... most people just hang out with friends on the weekend. It's hard to get off campus without a car.