From my experience, most students are from numerous places around California with a few out of staters and even less international students. There are a lot of distinct groups of different races, different religions and different activities on campus.
UCLA is very diverse and I feel like almost anyone can find a place in the UCLA community.
People wear what they want to class, everything from mohawks and punk rock jackets to sweats and pajamas, people wear it all.
I had a lot of experiences with those groups, because I ran the news station at school, so I often interviewed them. My college roommate was also actively involved with those types of groups, and my experience with them was generally positive. Most students wear whatever they can throw on to class. I cant describe a table of four students because it can and does vary. Most students are from California. Working at the station, I came across a number of students who were politically aware - and some were left wingers, others were right wingers, and some were left of center. Predominately though, as in most college campuses, they tended to tilt slightly more left. Students dont talk about how much they'll be making, I never even gave it any thought whatsoever until I was looking for a job.
UCLA's student body is comprised of a very diverse group of students hailing from all backgrounds and nationalities. While the campus is comprised primarily by the Asian and white ethnicities, the campus is so large that there exists a group for someone of every background. The vast majority of UCLA students are extremely tolerant and can best be described politically as socially liberal, with various economic political views. Greek life plays an important part in most socializing, parties primarily, for students, especially first- and second-years, but many other influences such as student clubs and fellow employees offer a vast array of social options. Due to UCLA's proximity to Hollywood, most students are fashionably sensible if not completely up to date on the various going-ons of nearby celebrities. Compared to most campuses, the UCLA students are generally more studious than partiers, but a nice balance is reached for most groups.
Tons of diversity in classes and student groups.
There is a group for everyone here, no matter what religious, political, sexual, or cultural preference. However, being in California, it is largely Democratic, but I don't think it ever makes anyone feel uncomfortable. If anything, it is the much more radical, conservative groups that I see most, and that make everyone else feel uncomfortable if anything!
I think students that are racial minorities, or students who aren't used to being academics in high school may find it to be out of place among many who are supported academically at home. Many different students interact all the time. Students wear anything from sweats, to nice dresses. Most of the gear depends on the season, but since this is LA, the clothes are ususally sundresses.
I have come into contact with many different religious and socio-economic groups that I had no contact with in high school, but certain groups tend to stick together, i.e. whites hang out with whites, mexicans with mexicans, asians with asians. There is a huge variety of what people wear to class; some people wear sweats, and some wear expensive designer clothes, with their hair and makeup immaculate. Students are definitely predominantly liberal, but that's true to most universities.
Once again I must say that the student body is very diverse. I believe anyone can feel comfortable here if they find their niche although I must say that sometimes this might prove difficult. I was lucky that I met some really amazing people who lived on my floor my freshman year and through these people I met other amazing people and I now find myself with a network of people with whom I get along with, can have interesting conversation with and from whom I can find endless amounts of support.
1. can be ignored if need be 2. a kindergartner 3. stuff from their drawer/closet 4. yes 5. they are probably all eating and talking 6. CA 7. middle class 8. some 9. left 10. rarely