I often find myself wishing that I could go back in time and talk to myself before coming to college. I would say to me, "Hey there, don't ever look down on yourself. You might think, 'college is so big and there are so many people, why do I matter?' You are completly wrong. You mattter". I would say, "Don't be afraid to try new things and don't ever let anything hold you back; you would regret it when you look back. College might be a long 4-year, but you can never imagine how fast these 4 years will go by. During these 4 years, you will be given so many valuable oppotunities. You basically have the chance to live your entire life again. No matter who you were before college; no matter what kind of persons you were or what mistakes you have done, college is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for rebirth. You can be a compltely different person, a better version of yourself. So, make new friends, try a new language, and get out of your comfort zone! You will reap the sweet awards sooner than you think.
"I would say to myself to be ready for the ride of your life kid, because high school is only a steping stone." There is no pity nor patience for any procrastination in the competitive world of academics at a college level. You must dedicate your whole day to at least 7 hours of study, and the peer pressure to stray away from this will be on. Take advantage of any and all extra-credit oportunities: every point counts! Your reading material is no longer an option, for you will feel lost in lecture and in discussion if you fail to keep up. Visit the professor's and the teaching assistants' office hours on a regular basis to make sure you are clear about the material and to get many lingering questions answered. Forming study groups with your peers will also be helpful. Remeber mid-terms and finals will be hectic, so study up early on and get good hours of sleep in as well as breakfast on those days. Overall do not allow anything to shake you or brake you, becuase the obsticles you overcome is what is going to make you. GOOD LUCK!!!
Knowing what I know now, I would tell myself to relax. As a high school senior I was over stressed and constantly worried about where I was going to college. In the end, while I didn't end up at my dream school, I ended up at a school I have come to love and respect. I would tell myself that I shouldn't worry, as I would be accepted. Additionally I would tell myself that it is me as a person that builds my college life and experience, not the school. There's thousands of colleges and people out there, no matter what I would find a way to make my life enjoyable.
The advice that I would give to myself is to not wait till the last minute to do homework and/or study for test. I had no idea how fast a quarter system would go by. Before I know it stuff were due or exams were already coming up. So if I could go back in time, I would tell myself to try to do everything on time so that when the day comes, I won't need to cramp as much.
If I were to go back into time and talk to myself when I was a senior, I would say to relax and enjoy your time in college. I spent the first two years of college over worrying about which major to pick and which college to transfer to. I would have been more involved with social activities and really enjoyed an exciting part of anyone's life, which is college.
If I were given the opportunity to go back in time and talk to myself, I would tell myself to focus on my future instead of my relationship. When I was a senior in high school, I thought that I wanted to get married and have a family. So I put off college and got married. Even though it didn't work out, I learned alot. However if I had gone straight to college first, and worried about a relationship later, I think my life would be very different today. We all have different life lessons to learn, but if I had the opportunity to go back in time and give myself some insight, I definately would.
The important thing is that I learn from my mistakes and move forward. Only I am responsible for my future and what I become.
-Kari Ann Black-Jackson
Knowing what college is like now, I would tell myself to get out of my senioritus rut and start working harder.
be more open minded and try out new clubs even though i might not want to join them, just check them out and make new friends!
If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would give myself some advice that I have learned just being in college for a quarter. I would tell myself not to be so stubborn and just have overcome my ideal that I didnt want to live in the dorms because I wanted my own space. Now that I am in college and live in the on campus apartments w ith 3 other roommates and see myself not socializing much, I regret not being able to live in the dorms where I would have the opportunity to meet more people and socialize more and make more people.