University of California-Irvine Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of California-Irvine?


I brag most about its prestige as a part of the UC system and being in the top quarter of the UC schools.


The UC's accept the top 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of high school students in the country.


I often talk about how beautiful the campus is. Aldrich park is overly gorgeous and is a wonderful place to eat, study, and chat with friends. I also often talk about the safety of Irvine. One of safest cities around! I really enjoy the idea of feeling safe, especially when walking back to my car after a late night class gets out.


Countless colleges and universities will boast about their acclaimed academic and athletic programs, but those qualities, while important, are not as responsible for attributing to the everyday student's quality of living as is the atmosphere of the school itself. While UC Irvine undeniably covers all of its most essential bases in developing a well-rounded, intellectually and physically sound individual, a great part in why students here are so happy is because of the friendly, supportive, and aesthetically warming atmosphere the university embraces the student in. UCI's environment does psychological wonders to accomodating and motivating the student emotionally.


Very nice campus


I tell my friends about how it is the cleaniest city I have ever been and how it is very safe to live. It is the best city to live if anyone has a family. They have tons of physical activities, like having bike lanes and fitness gyms at many local areas.


How much I drink at parties.


That the academics are hard and we are expected to be pretty smart from the start!


I brag most about how open and kind everyone at Irvine is. The people here honestly are extremely giving people, even if you aren't friends. They never shy away from lending out a hand to someone in need, even if it's just an open seat or a pencil. The university really does feel like home, especially for someone like me, who is hours away from my hometown. Not having my family near by is one of my least favorite aspects, but the students of UC Irvine have helped me adapt to a new home.


When I brag about my school, I try to showcase UC Irvine's campus, its extracurricular activities, and its top Political Science program. UC Irvine has a beautiful park commemorating faculty members located in its center, while a one mile road (Ring Road) encompasses the campus. UCI houses organizations, such as an MSU (Muslim Student Union). In fact, the MSU at UCI is one of the largest and most well-organized in all of America. Lastly, UC Irvine's political science department is known all throughout the world. These are qualities which may attract an individual to such a campus.