University of California-Davis Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


how fast the quarter system goes


You are not alone when you need help on academics and scheduling your classes. There are centers on campus where you can ask for advice, get tutor, assists on scheduling your classes to match your major or GE credits. It's important that you enjoy your college life with comfort and experience.


I wish that I would have taken more Chemistry classes in high school. Chemistry is such an important subject for my major at at my univeristy in general, and it would have been very valuable for me to have already had a very good foundation and understanding of the fundamentals before coming to this university. I would have also liked to have been a little more well versed in mathematics, as it is also essential to my major. While I have a better foundation in this than in Chemistry, a more detailed understanding would have been beneficial.


I wish I would've know just how amazing everyone at Davis is! Then, Davis would've been my number one choice from the very beginning of the college search!


College is the place to get ahead but remember everything is not always study, study, study. Life shouldn't be that way. I spent way too many Friday and Saturday nights alone, wondering why I wan't out doing something else. If I could do it again, would I? Who am I to say? If we all had a flux capacitor then surely we would all have perfect histories. Unfortunately that is not the case and here I am now, a graduate who accomplished it in three years but looking at my graduate opportunites as a new start.


How time consuming the workload can be.


How cold it gets when you bike with out gloves on. Davis is a great, fun school, I love it, but there isn't much to do for fun in the town of Davis.


I wish I had a stonger idea of what I wanted to do and a better plan of what classes i would take.


I wish I knew that if I picked a person I wanted to dorm with, I would have first priority where I was placed to live.


I wish I knew how much of an impact high school units/credit would be. It makes a great difference with the amount of workload it prepares you for college and helps you register for courses with an easier schedule. Registration is imperative to obtaining a good schedule which will affect what times you can study, coming and going from campus, and what kind of social life you will have time for. Students should have good organizational skills which is directly related to time management in order to succeed.