University of California-Davis Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about University of California-Davis?


I mention first that I attended UC Davis and graduated in a year, because doing so is rare and demonstrates my dedication to school work. Then I mention how at the young age of 20, I am already a graduate student at SFSU.


The environment of the school and the food of the town. Fields are around the campus. The views make me feel good. Also, the food here is natural and taste good.


The laid-back feel of the campus and how mostly everyone who foes there feels as though he/she belongs there


There are so many resources- teachers, advisors, free tutoring/workshops for classes you ahve trouble with, actvities /extracurriculars. There are opportunities to network. You can definitely find something to get involved in.


I brag about the population. Coming from a town with hardly any Asian Americans, here I felt much more comfortable seeing how many people I can relate to with ethnic background and general interests. The diversity of the school and the fact that people from all over attend, makes socializing and making new friends much easier because there's no need to worry about highschool cliques.


What I brag about most when I tell my friends about my school is living in the dorms. Living in the dorms is such an awesome experience. I live in Casa Cuauhtemoc (the Latino building). I usually tell them how comfortable I feel to be at the dorms; especially because it really does feel like a home, a casa! Everyone here is so nice, we are all friends, we are the CASISTAS of UC Davis.


Ironically, I find that I brag most about the very thing that I sometimes dislike about U.C. Davis, it's curriculum. My high school didn't challenge my fellow classmates and I and as a result I found that I had lost some of my passion for learning. Though the classes here can be challenging, I come out feeling like I haven't just been given knowledge to retain, but that I've worked for the knowledge. U.C. Davis has given me the opportunity to own my education and to explore my passions practically.


I grew up in the mojave desert so whenever my I talk to my friends about school I'm always sure to metion the fact that it's so incredibly green up here and that it rains all the time. They get really jeaous and tell me how awesome that is.


The school atmosphere is perfect for academic life. One feels very ssecure on campus even late at night.


I love it! The classes are not as painstaking as I feared they might be. I am taking courses I want to take! I have friends that live in my building that I can visit whenever!