I believe that the most important thing about picking a college is to find the college that is right for you personally. It is easy to attend a college because your friends are going there. It is also easy to pick a school that your parents want or expect you to go to. But, if you go to any school for anyone else but yourself, you will not be happy there. It is so important to select colleges that you think cater to you as an individual, decide what your budget is, and then visit them. You will discover what is right for you. Once you find a school it is so important to be equally involved in both extra-curricular activities and socializing as it is schoolwork. Once you find a good balance of studying and building relationships, your college experience will heighten. Overall, to have the best college experience you can have, you need to stay true to yourself. Do not change for anyone. Always be yourself. Apply yourself to your schoolwork and never compromise your beliefs. That is the secret to success.
where you feel confortabule
First of all, you need to visit the campus, hopefully more than once. The campus and the people who are there will give you a good ideaof if you will like it or not. Try to picture yourself walking to class with those buildings surrounding you. Ask yourself if you like the scenery. I love nature so Arkansas was a great place for me to choose. Also, pay attention to what is surrounding your campus. Is it just a bunch of office buildings or are there things to do and places to go and hang out? Eventually you will not want to live on campus, so a good thing to look at is if there are a lot of places to live off campus and if those places are a good distance for you personally. Pay attention to the things you are interessted in; are those available on campus or close to it? These are just a few things to think about when you are looking for in you new home for the next four years.
Don't shy away from colleges where you'll know friends from high school. It's important to have a good support group while at school (both from parents and friends). Communication with your parents about academics and life in general is key to not getting overwhelmed - they've been through it before. There's never ONE college you're "supposed" to go to - as long as you apply yourself and step out of your comfort zone to connect with others you can make any college the best FOR YOU. Contrary to what you'll hear from most students, making the most of your college experience does NOT mean trying everything new and filling your life with extracurricular activities. Moderation in everything is key. Treat school as a full-time job and you'll get the most for your money.
Live each day to the fullest, ask for help when you need it, have fun and enjoy your education!!!
A Chinese proverb states, "A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study." Although I believe that the ten years of study at a university would be far more than adequate, I think it is important for the prospective students to take advantage of the resources that they have around them on a daily basis. Prior to attending college, one's most helpful tool for selecting a school will probably be the advice and comments of college students and alumni; however, the search for knowledge will not stop there. Once a student selects a school, he or she will probably need advice concerning majors, classes, housing, transportation, etc. My main piece of advice would be to seek out answers to the questions that you have. Everyone knows that college is one of the most stressful, yet exciting and wonderful experiences, in a person's life. I think it's important to not be constrained to the "stressful" side of things. Parents and students need to enjoy this time, and take advantage of every opportunity imaginable. The professors and others are there to help you, so make the most of the conversations with the wise men.
I feel that as long as the initial items you read about the university?s overall goals and a visit to campus did not make you turn away in fear or shock, you can make a place for yourself on any number of campuses. Which one best fits? If you don't have an initial gut instinct about what university would be best for you to attend, in all honesty, I'm not certain that there is ONE university which will suit you perfectly on the surface. Part of the idea of a college education, is not just to learn what you need for a career in the classroom, but also to carve out a corner for yourself in whatever situation you find. Life contains surprises of all kinds, and imagining yourself at another college while still attending is difficult because you meet people and form bonds with people like yourself (whom may not be at their ideal school either). They become your friends, your partners, and it becomes hard to imagine your life without them. In reality, any university you choose is a separate path that has unforeseen consequences; embrace what/whoever you can while you are in school.
It really does not matter where you go, college is what you make it. Retain your focus dont get dragged into badness and stay motivated through hard times.
The first year in school, do not associate with social clubs unless you have a grasp of solid time management. The school sprit at this school is awesome, and everyone gets along well.
Do the best you can in everyclass, because this University will help you get where ever you need to get in life. The friends you make here will last you a lifetime and nothing that you have the option to get into should be turned down because everything will help you in the long run. The faculty will help you get where ever you need to go, or want to go that's just how they are: willing, helpful, and there. In the end you will be more than thankful for going to the University of Arkansas, its a bargain for you money. Proffesors put in more than anywhere I've ever been. This university is a great university.