The worst thing about my school might be the parking accommodations. Students purchase passes to park their cars in lots around campus--the more convenient, the more expensive. This is reasonable. However, every time there is a home football or basketball game, all students in nearby lots are required to relocate their cars to temporarily designated lots that are rather out of the way, then walk back to wherever they need to be to go about their weekend. Later they may be required to relocate their cars again out of the game day parking lots. Failure at any point to keep up with the parking system can result in expensive fines.
Nothing. Its a great School.
I think the worst thing about my school is how it handles feedback from students. Poor professors seldom incur any form of discipline, just a lack of rewards. On the flip side, professors who do well require significant amounts of positive feedback to receive any kind of benefits for positive work. Neither of these scenarios results in professors having a motivation to do their job well.
The size of the university can be intimidating and isolating at times.
There is not a standard of ecxellence at the school. More focus is given to sports than academics.
We have quite a few snow days that cause the University to be closed. This can make studying and learning difficult since we can not be in the classroom or on campus.
There aren't really a lot of activities or clubs at the school that interest me. There are usually events going on that are hosted by fraternities, sports games and things of the like going on, but none of them really interest me. For those with a nerdier outlook there is a larping group, but it is very disappointing. Unfortunately, there is not much going for the RSOs on campus, and I'm really not sure how one would get in contact with them anyways.
The worst thing about my school is all the hills on the campus because it tires me out.
The difficulty in finding classes. Just recently the U of A had to reduce the capacity of each class room, due to fire insspections, resulting in greater competiion for classes. This makes creating your schedule more difficult, especially for the students with less credit hours.
The worst thing would be not allowing students that begin to pay for out of state tuition to gain in state tuition when they perform really well their first year.