I have grown up in a low family income home, and we all know out of state tuition is a lot of money. I think the only thing I really wished I had done before going to college is save up money. It is hard to pay for my schooling because my mom fell at work and opened her own tutoring business which is not as much income and my step dad works at Trader Joes. With my real dad out of my life it is hard to pay tuition. Overall, I wish I had saved up more money.
I wish I had known that college is much different than high school. I did well in high school honors classes but that doesn't mean I will do well in college honors classes. I wish I knew that I would have to do everything by myself rather than have a counselor do it like in high school. I wish I knew that I have to formulate a study plan in order to succeed, and that I would have to study, a lot!
I wish I had been more prepared to make friends and have a social circle while living off campus.
I wish I had known how greek life orientated the University of Arizona was before I came to this school. The reason I say this is because most of the people involved in greek life tend to be more focused on "whose cool and whose not" and who drives nice cars and has expensive things. This is hard for me to relate to because the majority of the people seem to be very materialistic which makes it difficult to find genuine friends.
I wish I would have known how beautiful the evenings are. In the evenings the sky is a beautiful blend of vivid colors with a burnt orange sunset. The view is amazing and the refreshing wind blowing against my body only makes it more beautiful.
I wish I had known that a large portion of the student population comes from wealthy families, and because of that, financial services for students with a lower-income background are not as strong as other universities, leaving them somewhat neglected.
Where constuction was going to be at on campus. It makes it so difficult in morning when you have an early class.
Before I came to this school, I wish I had known how big of a campus it was. When I first came to this school I had a lot of trouble calculating the distance between buildings. I thought I could just walk to all my classes, but later realized a bike was essential for getting to class on time.
I wish that I would have known how to prepare for classes and test. I never struggled with school in High School; so trying to even prepare for the next class was terrifying. I had no clue what I needed to know so i tried to know everything which was just overwhelming.
I wish I had known about the emphasis that testing has on grades in college classes. I learned in my freshmen year of college that studying constantly throughout the semester is necessary to receive high grades and that compared to weighted grade of testing, the wieghted grade of writing does not come close in terms of importance. I wished I had developed a successful way of studying for tests before I came to college because once I got there I was forced to find my own way.