I have never heard of us called anything as group which is a stereotype. Which is a good thing because our campus is not overly judgmental. We are a mix of everything =)
The University of Arizona has a diverse group of students. Some common stereotypes are the Greek affiliated students such as frats and sororities. We also have the jocks since we are a pretty sports oriented campus. Then there's the nerds, a bunch of students excelling in a variety of studies. There's a mass number of international students who attend the University, mainly from Asian countries.
These stereotypes are pretty accurate but personally, I feel that there isn't one that is more common than the other. Diversity really stands out at the University of Arizona.
The University of Arizona has a diverse group of students. Some common stereotypes are the Greek affiliated students such as frats and sororities. We also have the jocks since we are a pretty sports oriented campus. Then there's the nerds, a bunch of students excelling in a variety of studies. There's a mass number of international students who attend the University, mainly from Asian countries.
These stereotypes are pretty accurate but personally, I feel that there isn't one that is more common than the other. Diversity really stands out at the University of Arizona.
Many students believe that the only way to have a successful and fun college experience at the University of Arizona is to participate in Greek Life. Although Greek life is an easy way to meet people and have connections around campus, it is not the only way. There are numerous clubs and organization all over campus that help students meet new people, start networking connections, and have fun.
Everyone thinks the greek life here is crazy, which it is... but if your not in it - like me you do just fine. All you hear freshman year is about what sorority or frat your in and go to those parties but it completely dies down after your a sophomore living off campus with your close friends. Sports is big here, the ZonaZoo is loud and proud and if your not big into school spirit this may not be the right school for you.
Overall the campus is gorgeous, which was one of the main reasons I chose to come here, the women are beautiful and I have had nothing but a blast being part of the ZonaZoo and supporting my school where ever I go!
Bear Down!!!
Frat Kids is the general at the UofA and to be honest its probably close to how it is
One of the major stereotypes at the University of Arizona is Cali. A very large portion of the school is made up of California kids who either could not get into their state schools or wanted to get away from home. U of A also has a fairly respectable Greek system with 13{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student population being Greek. I definitely agree with the fact that the stereotype is true since if you meet a random student on campus and they are not from Arizona, the chances are that they are from Cali; and they definitely let you know that.
I don't live on campus, but spending three hours on campus every day is enough for me to see that pretty much all the stereotypes are true- nothing but UC-rejects, annoying as hell and stuck up rich white kids, and sororities/fraternities galore.
Everyone is a part of Greek Life, really stuck up girls, druggies. The stereotype is kind of accurate, but there are plenty of people who aren't like this. Even though a lot of people are in frats and sororities, it isn't hard to find people who aren't. There are a lot of stuck-up girls though.