University of Alaska Fairbanks Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about University of Alaska Fairbanks? Why?


The parking situation is awful. You have to park at the bottom of the hill and wait for a bus. It's not bad in the fall and spring, but in the winter it stinks.


I am a student with physical disabilities and my school does not adaquately serve students with disabilities. There are tutors and help available all over campus for academic help but just trying to get around campus itself--it has been enough to prevent some students I know personally from enrolling in the school. I had to leave the dorms because they were basically unsafe for me to live in due to their inaccessability.


The worst thing about my school is the lack of modivation in students to achieve better grades.


I personally think that the school cops are the worst thing about the college because they are always around. If you do something wrong they will find you or catch you doing it. Of course they don't ALWAYS see everything, but they are really good at doing their job.


Buildings are located very far apart, which is extremely inconvenient in -40 weather and when you have 15 minutes between classes and professors are very dedicated to their own work.


The worst thing about our school is the quality and diversity of the food. In short, it's inadequate.


Lack of off-campus housing combined with expensive on-campus housing (because of the mandatory, attached meal plan fees). If you don't mind living in a cabin with no running water, then you're fine; if NOT, then it's slim pickings for affordable apartments or houses.


the winter weather, too cold. the financial aid people, there arent enough of them.


The availability of multi-media classrooms. The availability of classrooms in general.


The inter-departmental communication at the school is not very proficient. By themselves each program can be very efficent, but there is often a breakdown of communication when it comes to going between, for example; The international office and the admissions office.