University of Alaska Anchorage Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about University of Alaska Anchorage?


The most frustrating thing about my school is how many advisors or staff members have told me I can't do something for one reason or another. I've been told I can't do nursing program because I'm a night person. I've been told I cannot learn to play the trumpet since I have no prior music experience and it is not a good use of their time. I plan on showing them that I can!


The financial aid process.


The most frustrating thing about school is not enough tutors to conduct sessions for review.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that there are no/poor wireless internet connections in the on camus housing.


The upper adminitsrative level employes dont return your calls in a timely manner. You have to continue calling and somtimes never hear back.


I haven't been frustrated with anything yet.


Policies are established but are either unrealistic or enforced randomly by different professors. There is not much of a campus life, and school is seen as just school and not really the "college life."


That the administrative building is located across town and not on the campus itself.


When an instructor told me that I wasn't important to be in the presentation because my grandpa passed away and I missed the group presentation thing.

