University of Delaware Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known how unhelpful the professors are. They do not care if the students understand the material or not. Definitely a waste of money because I am not learning like I had in high school.


That I should become more involved early on and not wait for others to encourage me to become involved.


I wish I knew how much of a focus there would be on alcohol on the weekends. As someone who is permanently on medication, I cannot drink. So this makes my weekends less than fun when compared with my friends. I'm perpetually the "sober" guy, and I feel left out of the fun on a lot of Friday and Saturday (and yes, sometimes Thursday) nights. It's really not that big of a deal, it would've just been nice to know in advance.


I wish I would have known how hard the classes were beforehand so I would not have slacked off so much first semester.