University of Delaware Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


greek life. do it.


I am involved in the sorority Chi Omega. It is a very well respected, classy organization. People might have a distorted vision of sorority life but i live it first hand. I live in the sorority house and it can sometimes be too much. I dont like a lot of drama but i think that is just part of being a girl. I am a very social person and i do like to party but my grades are very important to me. I have formed amazing bonds with people outside and inside my sorority so i feel very lucky. I wish i went to more sporting events because it was such a huge part of my life in high school. Honestly there are things to do other than drinking but for the most part i feel like thats what the majority of this campus chooses to do on the weekends.


I'm in a sorority so I am very partial to Greek Life. I think Greek Life at UD makes the University smaller because you meet a lot of people and get very involved. In the dorms all the doors are always open, there is a very friendly environment. Freshman floors are family. There is not much a dating scene but hooking up is huge. it is not uncommon for hooking up to lead to relationships and plenty are people are in some stage of a relationship.


Greek life and sports teams are prevalent as social centers, especially in parties. I am in a sorority which I pledged sophomore year and since then it has given me so many social opportunities- not just on the weekends but all week long. Most people meet their friends through clubs or on their floor freshman year and stay friends throughout school. Most of all, Delaware is a party school in every sense of the word and on any given night (even Mondays) a party could be found.


frats and sororities and sports teams. my sorority is full of some of my best friends and I love everything we do together. I lived in Rodney and Harrington and mine was rarely closed. I go to every football game. I dont know about the dating scene in general. in my freshman dorm and through Chi O. trying to fall asleep or next door talking with my best friends. people party on the weekends usually. I think you can be in greek life and then it feels like its a big part of your life but if you're not in one it's not a huge deal, none of my rommates are in one. i went out with girls in my sorority.


greek life is pretty big in UD. im involed in Chi omega. i think that dorms are 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} open, 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} closed. athletic events are somewhat popular.


Greek life is pretty popular on campus. I am in the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity and I love it. When i lived in the dorms the only time my door wasn't open was when my roommate and I were both out. The athletic events aren't that popular outside of the football games. I met my current girlfriend here and we've been dating for 7 months. I wouldn't be awake at 2 am on a Tuesday because of my 8 am class on Wednesday morning. My closest friends are ones that i've made through being in my fraternity. People party a good amount here. Freshman year I partied much more than any other year. There are plenty of things you could do on a Saturday night besides drinking, I just think most people prefer to drink from a social aspect.


Greek life is fun. Students only live on campus for 2 years. Partying is usually thusday-sat nights -- for juniors and seniors its tues-saturday night : )


a lot of popular groups on campus are fraternities and sororities and intermurals and club sports are very common too. i'm involved in one of our schools dance clubs and in a sorority. the dance club is great and is student run and gives everyone a chance to get involved and continue dancing through college. my sorority is amazing and it's the best decision i made in college. all my friends in our dorms left our doors open and were very social but other places to live i've heard horror stories of people being extremely anti all depends on what dorm you live in. athletic events are averagely popular (except football is very popular). guest speakers and theater is not something i do personally but still is averagely popular among students. Dating scene? There really isn't people just meet out at parties and that's that usually. dating is so hard in college. i met my closest friends through my dorm floor. if its 2am on a tuesday and i'm up i'm studying. traditions and events that we always look forward to are homecoming and greek week. people party friday and saturday nights, tuesdays and thursdays are popular too especially at the bars. fraternities and sororities are important to me but its not a fact that everyone who is social joins greek life, like i've heard at some other schools. last weekend i went to a party and saturday i went on a bus trip to a bar. saturday night things that don't involve drinking - there's the movies and a bowling lane and we have a mainstreet with places to eat and places that sponsor local bands. the student center hosts movies. there are things to do that don't involve drinking. "off campus" isn't really the typical off campus. everything is in walking distance (within 10 min) even if you're technically off campus.


sports and greek life are very popular. I am involved in Chi Omega. doors are usually open in dorms but not constantly. i met my closest friends because we all lived on the same floor sophomore year. if you dont want to drink on weekends there is movies, mall, bowling. if i am awake at 2am on tuesday i am on facebook. athletic events are not too popular but i wish they were