There are tons of diverse groups on campus. Some of the ones dedicated to promoting specific minorities can get pretty in your face at times, but I would say most of these groups have good purposes and interests. Black students most commonly say they feel out of place on this campus, but I think that's changing. There's a UD girl uniform that's worn to class: black leggings, UGGS, and a black Northface jacket. The girl who wears this also usually has her hair pulled back by some kind of large black headband. Different types of students do interact, but not as much as they probably do on other campuses. Most UD students are from the East Coast. The states with the most representations are New York and New Jersey, but Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware are high up there. A lot of students seem to be wealthy, but a lot more are definitely taking out loans to be here, including me. Students aren't really politically aware or active... we've been called the most apathetic campus.
Just like any place there are many different cultured people, in personality and physicality.
As stated before, you can find just about anything on campus. ANYTHING!!!!
I would recommend becoming active in some activity. There's the frat/sorority scene and club sports which can help you make lots of friends but may end up dictating your social life as well. Otherwise, there are plenty of clubs to join and you and your friends can start an intramaural sports team. These can give you things to do but won't necessary overwhelm you.
You will find a variety of people at UD. There are the typical sorority girls, frat guys, athletes, geeks, goth kids, emo kids, tree-huggers, shy kids, old people and everything in between. I never saw any issues between students. I thought that everyone seemed to get along well. I think that people were able to interact with who they wanted to. I think that everyone who graduates from UD does receive a great education.
UD does not have a very diverse student body. Most people are white and upper middle class.
Most UD students I have met are from Delaware, New Jersey, New York or Pennsylvania. As a staff member at The Review, we interact with a variety of groups on campus. Often racial and LGBT groups feel they are under-represented on campus. The Review has held group meetings to discuss these issues and communicate with the groups. Middle-class to upper-middle class, socio-economic groups seem to be the most prevalent at UD. On a whole, students are apathetic when it comes to politics. However,this election seems to have sparked more student interest, however.
UD's students are primarily all white and appear to be middle to upper class. There is not much diversity at all. There is a lot of emphasis on appearance and everyone follows similar fashions. Most students wear sweats to class during the winter, but as soon as warm weather comes pretty much all the girls break out the skirts and dresses. Most UD students are from New York, New Jersey, Boston, PA and Delaware. Students are NOT very politically aware or active.
Most students are white middle class. Most students are from the new york, new jersey delaware area