If you want to find the right college for you, you have to go see it for yourself and even spend a few days visiting. When you visit, immerse yourself in campus life, attend classes, stay in the dorm, and eat the food. Only after experiencing the aforementioned will you be able to truly decide what college you would like to attend. Not everyone is made to be a "Division I" athlete or go to the "Big State" just because they are a legacy or all their friends are doing it. Some of the best colleges and universities across the nation are small and often secluded. The most important thing to remember is to follow your heart and follow your instincts. If you step onto a campus and suddenly feel a sense of belonging, a sense of pride, and a desire to be there, you're probably in the right place. Once you're at the right college for you, the sky is the limit.
Talk to people that are most like you and determine the college from there.
Pick what bests fits your needs and desires.
Make sure your kid is sure he or she wants to go where she wants to.
Don't give up on your dreams. The great thing about American education is that it rewards hard work and gives you the chance to do anything you want.
All too often, students tend to base their decisions for college on assumptions. When I was a senior in high school in FL, if you didn't go to FSU, UF or Miami, people thought you "didn't get into a good school." The fact of the matter is that every college has their specific strengths and weaknesses in terms of undergraduate and graduate studies, and more likely than not, the student will probably change their major AT LEAST once. Judge a school based upon statistics and the rank of the school in the major the student is interested in - people go to the Georgia Tech to be an engineer (not an English major), just as students go to St. John's in Annapolis for philosophy. In the end, the school should best reflect what the student wants to achieve in life and not the one that parties or tailgates the most of game days.
Figure out what you want in life. Figure out what your strengths and weaknesses are and decide whether you want to play to your stengths or develop your weaknesses. Then search for schools that will help you to do what you want in life. And then narrow down your list by deciding which schools will get you there in a manner you agree with. From there, decide which school you will feel more at home with. If you follow this plan, you can't lose. Remember, no place is perfect, but some are better than others.
Look for schools that have a good academic reputation overall. It's good to look for one that is known for a certain field but how many students change their mind once or many times? Schools that have many extra curricular activities will allow students to find something they enjoy to do outside of school even if it's just intramurals. Money shouldn't be the main concern because there are many ways to pay for school you just have to look. Most states will gives grants, especially for single parents. Scholarships are easy to come by too. The point is you have to go look for it because people will not approach you. One of the most importan things I found when choosing a college was actually visiting it and seeing the day to day activities of the students. As for making the most of your experience, work hard in class because it will pay off. Teachers will help you out. They love enthusiasm but again you have to ask for it. Don't forget to get away too. Go have fun and explore the city your college is in. You need to destress.
Don't go to the Naval Academy