Truman State University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Truman State University?


Either you don't drink and are completely against drinking or you drink way too much. Truman is in the middle of nowhere and the only thing to do is drink.


Truman is stereotyped as being extremely academic and therefore boring. People look at Truman and assume that because it's highly selective, all the students who attend are incredibly intelligent and over-involved in their school work. Truman also is located in a fairly small town -- Kirksville, MO -- which many people assume is boring and inadequte for entertainment.


"Havard of the Midwest," aka Ivy League worthy education but in the Midwest. Affordable High Quality education. All work and no play.


The stereotype about Truman students is that we are all white and severely Christian. If we are not from St. Louis or Kansas City, we come from very small towns and have a very limited world view.


Truman - hard, small, boring town, small classes Truman Students - nerds, all pre-MAE, future sociopaths


Everyone is very smart. Everyone is from St. Louis. All there is to do in Kirksville is WalMart. Truman is a very difficult school.


We are on the list of the ugliest campuses. Truman students study all the time. The school is boring because its in the middle of nowhere.


Brains, Nerds, heavy drinkers.


among students the stereotype is that we are super smart. Often you will hear a teacher say "come on, you guys are truman students you can do it" after assigning a seemingly impossible project or homework assignment. Outside of school I think other people think we are simple or not very serious because we live in such a small town.


The girls are ugly and we are all bookworms. Popular phrases to describe girls are "Truman hot" where at Truman she is a 9 but at Mizzou she would probably only be a 7.