Truman State University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


It is very important to get involved in student groups on campus because they are the center of social life and generally organize most parties and other social functions (such as trips to the lake or an impromtu soccer game).


Social life at Truman is pretty good, they always provide a good variety of things to do throughout the week and into the weekend.


There are over 200 organizations and I think you have to almot try not to do any extracurriculars. My sorority and wrestling team take up most of time and I plan on joining a dance organization as well. Sororitys and Fraternitys are big on campus, especially for the guys. It's hard for them to socialize otherwise (aka party). There are some concerts and other events offered by the school and some are pretty popular. There are some restaurants in twn, usually no more than 1 or 2 per "genre", except for Chinese and Mexican. Up late on a weekday, you're either drinking or studying. Almost every sports team and social organizations + others have parties every weekend. My lastweekend at Truman was spent partying & studying for finals. If you don't drink there is always being sober at parties (one of my favs), renting movies, plays or recitals, athletic events, and catching a movie on the square. Depending on your personality and what you like to do, you can find a niche and things to do on campus no matter the day or time. Off-campus...I eat. Thats about all there is off-campus.


Greek life is very popular. There are numerous social sororities and fraternities, and then there's a couple service organizations, as well as honor fraternities. A lot of people are involved in the Greek system. Personally, I'm in Sigma Chi Delta, which is a local social sorority. It's small, we only have about 20 members right now, but it keeps me busy and I love being involved in it. I think where you live is integral to who your friends are. All my closest friends are from my hallway in my dorm. It's easiest to be friends with those people, because you're going to see them everyday the whole year. Plus, it's just easier to hang out with them. I can stay in my friend's dorm room until 3am, and just walk a few feet to my room to go to bed. Also, we like to watch tv shows together, so it makes it easy to spend time together. How often people party varies a lot. It just depends who you are-if you want to go to a party every night of the week, you certainly can (but I don't recommend it). On the other hand, if you never want to go to one, you don't have to and no one is going to think any less of you for it. It's more typical to go to parties if you're in a sorority or fraternity, but I know people who are unaffiliated who will occasionally go to them too. Let's just say it makes it easier to go to parties if you're Greek. But going along with that, there are certain stereotypes associated with each sorority and fraternity.


Only 25{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} or so of students are Greek, so partying is the heaviest among them. If you go Greek, do everyone a favor and move off campus as soon as you can. Greek life doesn't fit well within Residence Life policies. The big partying nights are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. If you're Greek you could be drunk (underage of not) any day of the week. Romance is 50/50. Some people are hardcore daters only, others are looking for marriage. By senior year, expect a lot of girls in your classes to be engaged. Besides drinking on a Saturday night, most people still get together and have fun. Movies, trips, game nights, sport events, video game parties, on campus events, and going home are prevalent.


Popular groups include CCF which is a church organization and Greek life whether its academic, social, or service. I am involved with purple pride which is the football pep group. We make signs for the football players every week to put on their lockers and decorate the locker room, we provide them with snacks, we attend all football games to cheer the team on, we do fund raising, and help with recruitment which includes giving tours and planning visit days. During the first couple weeks of school some of the students leave their doors open but with the new design of the dorms, they are seeming more and more like hotels where people don't really interact with each other by having doors open. There are lounges and common places where people are able to meet others and hang out. Athletic events are not very popular at all. There are people at events, but its not something that everyone does or everyone gets excited about. Our teams aren't D1 so its not as big of a deal as say Mizzou. As for guest speakers and theater events, I would say that the theater is alway full or atleast full. There is not a lot of "dating" at Truman. I guess dating would consist of hanging out and watching a movie, going out to dinner when the dining halls are closed, or going for a walk around campus. A lot of guys and girls meet at parties and end up going home with each other. I met my closes friends during freshman week, they all lived in my hall. If I am awake at 2am on a Tuesday I am either studying, just hanging out with the girls and talking, or at a party. Some people party a lot at truman and some people don't party at all. According to the survey results that they advertise 3/4 of the alcohol is drank by 1/4 of the students. So only 1/4 of the students are heavy drinkers. One thing I have noticed though is Truman students are very responsible about getting their homework/studying done before they party. Greek life is only important if you are a guy. If you are a girl, you can get into any party you want. Some times you may have to wait until after midnight until mixers are over and parties open up to all girls, but I have never had a problem finding or getting into a party. Guys cannot get into any party. They either have to know someone (which even sometimes doesn't work) or go to parties where they allow guys (which only happens rarely). Last weekend, I went to frat parties both Friday and Saturday nights. During the days on Saturday and Sunday i spent all day in the library. I would say thats the typical weekend for a Truman student that parties. If you don't drink, there are a couple things that you could do on a Saturday night. Many times there are comedians/bands that come, you could go out to train bridge, play games with friends, walk around campus, go to a movie, go bowling, do homework, go to a party and not drink.


parties, drinking, bars, etc.


I am part of the BSU, which is somewhat popular. I don't think there is any one group that is most popular. But certainly in each major the respective sororities/fraternities are popular among those in that major. Most of the people in dorms that leave their doors open are freshman and nice upper classmen (like me and my roommate). I know that among those in fraternities/sororities thursday night and saturday night are the big drinking nights. There are usually other things to do on a saturday afternoon, but nothing usually happens on saturday night so most people go drinking. However I and my group of friends might go to a party (without drinking) and just dance and hang out. What usually happens when we have nothing to do is we watch a lot of movies.


It's hard at times to find things to do around Kirksville. There isn't much fun without drinking but you don't have to drink a lot to have fun.


Truman is not a school that will adequately develop social skills, I know this because I have attended various different forms of schooling throughout my life and Truman's is by far the worst.