If I could go back in time, I would let myself know to manage my time more for studying, join more clubs or sports, and prepare myself to apply for Universities or 4 year colleges before the deadline. Managing my time more would help me in getting a higher GPA. Joining clubs or sports would help my resume for entering a 4 year college. Not procastinating would help meet the deadlines for the colleges. Overall, high school was a good experience, I just wish I worked harder to help my future education. Now that I am in college, I am more focused and have a better motivation to strive for my goals.
Hey it's your future self here, I want you to read this carefully and adhere to my advice. Stay focused on your grades this last year and most importantly the material taught. You actually need to know this stuff in order to get through college. I know it may seem useless in the real world but it will help spare you from the countless hours of studying. Some of it you will need to know if you still want to become the great engineer we both know we're capable of. Also get a job and save your money and dont waste it on useless junk. Now is the time to start applying for scholoarships not later. If you have to take some time off from sports and focus on your academics then due so. We can do it, you just have to stay focused on our goal and keep pushing forward. Your going to have a fun time, and learn many new things and hey, good luck kid.
I would just tell myself that you dont have to know what you have to do yet. Not to stress out about not knowing what your doing becuase everyone else doesnt know what they are doing either. I would tell myself to do and go to what ever school I wanted to and not worry so much about the money. Loans are going to be unavoidble. I would tell myself to workless and go to school more, I would make myself study more and get better grades. I would also tell myself to go to the portsmouth campus more its a great place to be. Number one thing I ave learned though is that I cant do everything, to not take that full time job and think going to school full time will work. It didnt work for me. Oh and take more online classes so I could get better at them.
I would tell myself to start better studying habits and to enjoy your high school life while you can. While I was attending high school I would always to dreaming of the time I finally get to go to college but now I wish I spent more time just enjoying myself without worring to much about the future.
To attend college as soon as i got out only because with time and evolution things change in the job market in the business field. I would change not trying to be in the lime like and be in my own like so i could excel as I am now. To have faith in my knowledge and blessed testimony to give back to a commuinty who is forever failing. I would push myself unlike those kids who think the streets are the best answer only, because it's fast money not thinking of the consequences to follow. I would take more consideration to the fact my mother worked hard and gave effort into finding the best teachers to make sure my education was given to me in a manner where i would graduate and become someone like she has for herself. So knowing what i do no that flash forward back then might have saved the lost years of a time in life where i made decision i coul dhave changed.
Dude, I'm you from the future, and I don''t got as much time as I'd love to have. See the resemblance and ID and everything? Yeah? Good. So here's what I've got to say to you. There's alot of stuff you gotta do, but its okay to mope for a couple of minutes when something goes wrong, no need to always fake a smile or else you'll burst one day. But don't linger on it too long or you'll wind up hurting yourself and others.
As far as appearances and friends go, you gotta get out more. Its okay to be a little passive, but you gotta take the initiative sometimes. if you wanna explore and try out some new things or even invite a friend over. Ditch some poisonous friends though. Clothing and jank? The inside may be what counts, but the outer normally reflects the inner, so stay classy.
Do some self-discovery, research, and some cynical analysis and figure out what you wanna do in life. Find out early so you can get started early, and remember to rely on others for help, you aren't alone
I wish I would have went off to a 4 year college and pursued nursing off the bat! I graduated high school 2005 and here it is 2014 and im not where I need to be. I spent alot of time just wasting time. I should have been applying to universities my whole senior year.
It is unquestionable that the Alicia 36 has multiple gifts of information for Alicia 17.Narrowing down the different areas; I will speak about parenting, education and fashion. At my current age, I can appreciate what it takes to become a successful parent. Between the day to day, extra- curricular activities and medical appointments I stay busy, not to mention the stress of being a full-time employee and student, wife and mom. I would explain that the lessons my parents taught me about being appreciative, developing good work ethic and importance of family are beneficial and not “STUPID”. The whole I send you to school to learn phrase and not a fashion show means more to me today then in 1994. In 1994, I refused to wear clothing without a name brand, carrying a book bag what not allow passerby’s eyes to take in my . Little did I not know that these passerby’s eyes were not looking at me but past me. The algebra classes would prove beneficial applying for mortgages. Solving for “x” determines whether I will be bring my lunch or be able to take a nice trip to the café in my office building.
You must apply for scholarship.
Overall, I am very content with the decisions I made in high school. I took courses that gave college credit, allowing me to have a much more flexible schedule currently, and I took pride in my good grades. However, I would tell myself to improve my concentration skills. Focus on what the teacher has to say while still taking good notes, but make sure not to listen "too" hard. I found myself trying to interpret every last word that my AP Biology teacher said, as if there were a hidden meaning. There wasn't, and there were many times where I ended up missing a lot of information! Just focus on the big picture, and if a detail sounds important, jot it down. Don't get carried away!