I have gone to two schools now. Originally I went to the University of Massachusetts Amherst and now I go to Eugene Lang The New School for Liberal Arts. If I could go back I would tell myself that I should meet with another college counselor who might have steered me to the right, better place for me before going to college. That way I would not have had to transfer thus putting myself in debt (due to my 2nd school's price). I have maintained a 4.0 GPA. I challenge myself academically and I push myself to get involved on campus to make sure I make the most out of it. I have also made strong connections with my professors so that I can learn from their experiences, network with them in the future and make sure that I have the most personalized educational I possible can. I want to get the most out of school and right now the only thing holding me back is money. If only I had known not to go to such expensive schools and had been told how to go about finding money for schools I would have been prepared.
Do not procrastinate on the application process! You really need to take a lot of time to think hard about what you really want to do. If only I had realized earlier that my true dream is to become a musician, that music is all I really want to do, then I could have focused all my energy in pursuing that dream much earlier, and not waste as much time. But there's no need to worry: there are a lot of people who have unclear futures. Perhaps their dreams may change. What's imporant, though, is that you get good grades in high school, and hone your skills, so you can play a killing audition and get a scholarship. Money is very important, and there's a huge risk your parents won't be able to afford all of your college time, especially with the poor economy and recent disaster in Japan, where your family lives and works. College is the last step before the real world for most of us, so you need to be prepared. Gather the right friends and make many connections, because in the end, that's all you can hold on to.
I gained the ability to be independent in the world. I have used my previous artistic abilities in the world of design and architecture. The college experience is paramount to prove i have what it takes to persue a career in architecture and design.
The way in which I live, based upon my educational experiences, has and still affects/supports the person that I am today. I strive not onl y to be an expert in my field but implement my research and knowledege with the real world.
I am gaining valuable skills as a writer and artist that I did not have before and the confidence to go out and do well in the world. It is also a valuable experience for personal growth, that might mean even more than the books read and facts memorized. It is a tme like no other, where there is a community, that I am part of, lifting me up and showing me new possiblities that I may not have ever found on my own. I am learning both about the inner and outer world and how I can contribute to it. I was stuck in my life and didn't know what to do. This experience is setting me off in new directions and I feel I am gaining the experience to make my life a bigger success. Without it, there was always something missing. Being in college now, I relish the exhileration of learning, the pride in doing well, and I can find appreciation where I took no notice previously. It is changing my life forever and I am grateful.
The proffesors are great and you form great connection in the professional world
When I first went to college, during my freshman year, I was a really shy and quiet girl. I felt out of place because I was in a school where there was not a lot of Latinos or African American students. I did not have anyone related to me and my experiences so I really decided to keep everything to myself. English is not my first language and many of my classmates didn't understand why I was attending a predominantly white school. During that first year of college, I was almost invisible and almost considered dropping out of school. But all this changed after I met my academic advisor, Kim Foote, who really helped me integrate to extracurricular activities such as foreign language and salsa class. She also introduced me to the field of Education Studies and I immediately fell in love with this major. I had a strong connection with teachers and even students in this field. It was in this field that I opened myself and started to participate and express my opinion. Exploring the social sciences that the New School offers is an amazing experience and is worth attending.
Moving from Los Angeles to New York City to attend college has always been my dream and I am living it! It has only been a couple of months into my first semester but feels like a lifetime of experiences. I really love my classes, the professors are so enthusiastic about the subjects that they teach. I am involved, engaged and excited to wake up, walk to school through the village in New York City, and feel the energy all around. I value this experience more than any other in my entire life. I worked very hard in high school to graduate in the top of my class so that I could attend a prestiges college that would allow me to learn new concepts that had never crossed my mind before. This experience only happens once in a lifetime and I am so grateful to be at the beginning of an amzing journey.
I have learned so much out of my college experience. I've became wiser, stronger, and responsible. Attending college is very important to me because I was always taught knowlegde was power and the key to success. I love to learn new things no matter how great of a challenge it may be, and I know that as long as I attend college then I know I will continuely grow as a better and smarter person.
The main idea that I have gotten out of my college experience is that life is going to throw you curve balls, but the point of life is to change your stance to be able to hit those curve balls out of the park. Last year I had to take a semester off due to severe illness, I managed to get Swine Flu, then Pnemonia, then mononucleosis all within a 4 month time frame. This taught me a lot about life. I had a whole semester to think about life and think about my choices and whether they were going to benefit me in the long run, not just the short. I was literally bed ridden for months while my friends continued their free lifestyle. In result of this, at the time, tragedy, I learned that although live throws you punches, you have to get through it and keep you eyes on the mean idea. Look at things holistically and not worry about the small stuff, because everyone has a reason or purpose in life, and mine is to be succesful, and no sickness or hopsital bill is every going to bring me down.